
Wincer Song is an excellent admin and businessman of the Internet. His talent with the programming and implementation and launch of new features for Apsense members if just awesome. Thanks Wincer, Apsense is tops in my list. Joe Sansoucie.
 - san1091 April 23rd, 2011

Someone once said you only learn in two ways.One by reading and the other by associating with smarter people.Wincer is very smart in his work and I feel proud having known this great guy.
 - malok April 22nd, 2011

April 2, 2011 finally took the time to fully appreciate the talents of my good friend Wincer. He has been the most focused "PERSON" l have knowing, the desire, the dream and most of all the direction he had seen since day one. To be one of the most dedicated Social Media Sites for all of it's members. He understand the more he gives...the more he will get from the respect of his "LOYAL" followers why APSense will lead with duplication. Regards, Joseph F. Botelho
 - jfbmarketing April 2nd, 2011

I met wincer song here in apsense, i discovered that his response to emails is second to none.secondly i like his innovative skills in apsense, i equally discovered he like new things as such introduces new services in apsense like he knows that people like new things. Regards, chuks okonta.
 - nordichuks March 23rd, 2011

Wincer Song is the heart of ApSense community! He is very talented and hardworking.
 - enamul March 20th, 2011

Wincer Song is a smart and hard working business person that has done a really good job on this unique social site. Keep up the good work~! Cory-
 - corycrabb March 12th, 2011

I know Wincer since 2007 when I have joined ApSense. He does a very professional job here and you can count on him and his advice when it comes to promoting your business online. ApSense project is relevant when it comes to Changing the way we do business online! Thank you Wincer! Coach Teo
 - mteodor February 18th, 2011

Wincer doing a great work & I really enjoy the Apsense.com
 - mohitacg February 14th, 2011

Hi, I just need to say: Another Great Job Done with "Talents". There is no better business social site in the internet. Thank You and also thanks to the Team you work with !!!
 - gekon1 February 11th, 2011

1,000 characters... Lord, not nearly enough. Wincer, you gotta allow us to attach files to a testimonial. LOL What can I say ? Where do I begin ? Where do I stop ? APSense members already know you're an awesome programmer. I mean, you've just updated APSense, gave it a new fresh look, eased navigation. It took you weeks of work and testing, cause you had to update all the pages, and there are many, many pages at APSense. Then, you uploaded the changes, there were a few minor bugs, it was corrected in a few minutes. Is that what I find the most remarkable about you ? No. When we started our relationship, I discovered the best example of living humility I could find. You never want your name to appear in marketing efforts. Or, not too apparent. You want people to see and think about APSense. Also, you accept suggestions, it's so much fun to be in brainstorming sessions with you. I like you a lot, my friend. Philippe
 - phmoisan January 15th, 2011

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