Member's Profile

Paula van Dun
Kuşadası, Turkey
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Business Industry

  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Business
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Affiliate Marketing

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I honestly don't know how she does it! Paula does more than most people and does it better. She must have incredible organizational skills. She's also honest and direct, putting her values ahead of making a dollar. I would highly recommend working with Paula if you have the chance. I know I'm better having had the opportunity to do so. Thanks Paula!
 - emarketing July 15th, 2012

I have known paula Since One Years! I really Like her Work Her Attitude. She Is A Good & Enthusiastic Personality Here In Apsense. I Really appreciate her work.
 - prasen May 28th, 2012

Hi, Paula, Its is great to have you in apsense. Your post are so informative & Really Attractive.Thanks for All! You have done here in apsense.
 - gabi0708 May 8th, 2012

Paula has been around on APSense for a couple of years now and I feel that she is a good Ambassador for the site. Always willing to help everyone out with her knowlegde of her subject. Keep up the good work
 - josh63 April 17th, 2012

Paula's writings an profile caught my attention couple of days ago, and since that I regularly follow her activities here. I like very much her approach about internet marketing.
 - sajbenk March 6th, 2012

Paula is really talented and professional internet marketeer ,
 - helkayal March 3rd, 2012

Well l do not do this very often, most of you know that. But when l feel it and know l should do it, l write something that is real, meaningful, why it took me so long to write this Testimonial on Paula. I have knowing Paula now for a long enough time that l am able to be honest about her abilities. Paula, is a very dedicated worker, owner, member and trainer for all members who seek her advise. Her abilities and knowledge are very much hands on, what this means she learned just like she will teach and train you to be the best your abilities allow you to be and beyond on some cases. Paula is not only a dedicated member she is also very family orientated her first love, all else comes second...This l know from some of the chats, and emails we have exchanged with one another.. Paula is a very classy, dedicated business woman. I am proud to know her a little, and most of all love her feed back she understands how this all works....Why l took the time to write this long "Testimonial"
 - jfbmarketing February 15th, 2012

You are a rare person I met in this site who have a sense of leadership. Since I joined here, you gave me many things, ideas that you share with me are very meaningful. I am glad to know you and meet you here. As a young man, I am learning a lot from you.
 - aguspramono July 24th, 2011

Hai ,Paula van Dun , Its my great pleasure write a testimonial for you.You are very active member of apsense and your comments and discussions in groups is very appreciable. Thanks , Nigel Morris,
 - webstrategymarketing July 18th, 2011

Paula Van has been a wonderful source of inspiration to me and others. Her maternal approach to ensuring success in all one does and her step by step principle to persist into achieving worthwhile excellence is quite awesome.
 - transfix June 19th, 2011

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