Teaching Resources Australia and Student Feedback Tools are Potent Assets for Teachers

Posted by Louise Brooks
Nov 24, 2022

A tool created to aid in facilitating learning and information acquisition is known as a "teaching resource. Every teacher, parent, and student will have somewhat varied interpretations of what a teaching resource is and can take a variety of shapes. Finding high-quality online teaching materials is difficult for Australian educators since they spend so much time designing and marking practical exams, implementing behaviour management, generating interesting lesson plans, and executing a variety of other necessary duties throughout a day.

How can Australian teachers and students get the best teaching resources, and what teaching resources or tools do they employ in the teaching-learning process?

Let us investigate the world of Teaching Resources Australia and try to find some solutions.

Itcthinkdrive is widely known for designing practical and authentic teaching tools. Its innovative products include innovative teachers’ companions, innovative students’ companions, and beginning teachers’ companions. When conducting research for any task, students need analytical tools to organise their findings. The thinking tool captures the student's research and ideas at this point, which is critical. The learner should therefore get formative input at this vital point to make sure they are moving in the right direction. Its thinking tools include SWOT Analysis, Icon Prompt, PCQ / PCQ Extension, PCQ / PCQ Extension, Judge Jury, Solution Path, Fishbone Diagram, Flow Chart, Silent Card Shuffle, double bubble map,  T-Chart, y chart, split y chart, elimination draw, and extend barometer.

Feedback is a potent asset that instructors may use to guide their instruction and evaluation. It enables them to determine the level of comprehension among their students and examine their own teaching methods. Technology offers a range of options for teachers to give feedback. Authentic and differentiated feedback techniques can be more successful and entertaining for both students and teachers. Tools for student feedback are a crucial component for teachers in a curriculum design meant to strengthen fundamental skills and critical thinking. Instead of being weighed down by difficulty, learning opportunities should inspire and engage students. Teachers may inspire their pupils to find the proper solutions on their own by giving them the necessary resources and techniques for giving constructive criticism.

Student Feedback Tools; Benefits

For Teachers

Student Feedback Tools allow the teacher to change their level of instruction to match the students' current level of learning by making learning obstacles apparent to them. The tools provide proof of the students' current performance.

For Students

Student Feedback Tools enable students to become self-regulated learners by giving them the skills to take charge of their own learning. It makes it possible for students to actively participate in tracking and controlling their own performance. It can assist in rectifying misunderstandings or ineffective work techniques, which can lessen ambiguity regarding their performance. The tool increases motivation and produces more effective task methods.

Itcthinkdrive creates and has created teaching resources and learning tools that are centred on the goals of educators and the needs of students. It is an extremely cost-effective online platform with an Australian base.

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