Knowledge about front-end work

Posted by Vanjana Arya
Oct 8, 2018
If you want Professional Web Design then you must have knowledge about front-end work. Frontend work is related to a design of a website which is coded by using HTML, HTML5, CSS, Javascript. It is easy but also requires some programming skills and procedural programming.  But you need some sections to be improved and have full command, tough today front-end work has become easy because different platforms are available like WordPress, Joomla, Magento. 

Following are some skills which are needed for web designing:

HTML:  we know that only front-end work is not enough for the website, but still it the body of the website. Hypertext markup language is the standard language which is used to create web pages. It is the basic building blocks of the website which is written in plain text.  CSS, cascading style sheets it is code to display the document that you create with HTML it gives page layout, fonts, color etc. if there is no HTML/CSS then there is no front end. 

Javascript: it is another major tool in the front end. Shortly known as JS. It is a bonafide programming language. In some aspect HTML and CSS is enough but in some areas you need some extra features like video, audio, scrolling facility, animation of page and many more. Web Development Company Jaipur, brings you the availability of all web developing services. Jquery contains the collection of plug-ins and extensions which increases functionality of front end work. 

CSS preprocessing: one of the skills is CSS. It has its own working and functionality, it can also be limiting sometimes. One limitation is that you cannot define function, variables, and performing arithmetic operations. By using CSS preprocessors like Sass, stylus you are capable of writing in preprocessors language.

Responsive design: do you remember those days when you were having difficulty in loading websites from your phone device. If your website is responsive then it can be accessed from any device.

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