How To Start A Business To Travel The World

Posted by zyla courtney
Oct 14, 2017

A lot of people have dreams of traveling. A lot more people have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. However, what if there was a way to merge the two into a relationship that achieves both? 

According to the Small Business Association, there are currently over 57.9 million small businesses across the US. Off the bat, it’s attainable to reach this goal, but doing it while traveling is going to acquire a whole different skill set. However, with a little bit of discipline and the right tools, you too can make it happen. Here’s how: 

Find A Niche 

Your niche is going to be what defines you from the rest of your competition, as well as how you separate yourself as a brand. Forming this identity is something that requires a lot of tough self-talks, including being able to narrate your mission or goal in a sentence or two. This is going to be imperative as you start to enter the market you’re trying to compete in, because without it, your message won’t resonate anywhere. 

Remember, the goal here is to first and foremost solve a problem, with the bonus of being able to travel coming secondary. No matter how big or small, it has to be something you’re passionate about, as you’ll be spending a lot of early mornings and late nights perfecting this before you hit the road. 

Once your image is set, it becomes much easier to form partnerships. For example, if you’re traveling about and want to partner with a custom bridesmaid dress company you come across, then having an amazing portfolio of work and brand behind it will put you on a level of respect others will gravitate towards. However, before any of this can happen, you have to make sure you establish yourself at home. 

Secure Your Bases

After you’ve established your company’s product/service, brand, and mission, the next step is getting everything running like a finely tuned machine. And if you’re going to be traveling, you first need to figure out how you’re going to be able to run things from the road. 

Start out by looking at how to earn money from home, as this is a foundational element of being able to travel. Quite simply, if you can’t do it from the comforts of your bedroom, then it probably can’t be done on on the go. Additionally, it’s also imperative you handle any logistical items that have to be knocked out stateside, such as filing your LLC, implementing your accounting practices, and locking down any other resources needed for your business to stay afloat. Finally, it might not be a bad idea to form a remote team or implementing software that can automate the processes necessary for growth. 

While this might seem like a lot, it’s crucial to put these structures in place, because once you take off, it’s time to start looking at how to use travel as a way to bring in more business. 

Road Money

If you know how to play your cards right, then traveling can be one of the best ways to make extra money for your company. Whether it be making connections in a financial center like London or meeting with studio heads in Hollywood, being able to have these face-to-face interactions will always serve you better than trying to communicate via chat or email. In fact, according to a study by US Travel, for every dollar spent on travel by a business, an average of $9.50 is returned in revenue, as well as $2.90 in new profits. Yes, the value of your dollar will go much further when people can put a name to a face, which you should try to aim for as much as you can.

During your planning process for trips, make a list of potential partners you want to meet and chat with, and reach out them via email or social media. Additionally, it’s also valuable to look up if there any conferences or events based on your field, as these are also going to be excellent chances to network. And finally, utilize this as a time to enjoy yourself, because that’s what travel is all about.

The time you spend out is not only going to be beneficial to your personal well-being but that of your business as well. Not only will you meet better partners/customers, but you’ll additionally have a solid model in place that can function autonomously. All-in-all, while this strategy is a relatively new way of working, it’s also one of the more successful, which begs the question: what’s stopping you from getting started?

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