

by Alexa Thomson I am an accountancy expert who has worked with

MYOB is an accounting software company which provides a wide variety of software products for calculating tax and other expenses of the small and medium business. In general, it is developed by Australian company MYOB for a small and medium-sized business that compatible with the cloud, browser-based, or physical installation based software.

However, due to its powerful and advanced features or because it’s a technology-related product, sometimes it throws an error code while operating the software. It occurs with the error code 3002. While it’s a  pretty common error which is caused by misconfigured system files in the Windows operating system. Usually, it is an ordinary error format which is used by the Windows and other Windows compatible software and driver vendors.

Causes of MYOB Error Code 3002

There are several causes behind this errors but this error and it is mostly caused by the damaged Windows system files. Therefore, corrupted or damaged system files entries can be an authentic threat to the healthiness of your computer system. This error might occurs due to incomplete installation and un-installation, improper deletion of the applications or hardware or software applications. Sometimes, due to virus and malware infections spread in the computer system and internally harms your system. To prevent the virus and malware infection, install any antimalware tool to detect the malicious program entered in your system.

Below we provide a step wise guide that helps you in fixing the MYOB error code 3002. The steps are discussed below:

Solutions to Fix MYOB Error Code 3002

Here are following troubleshooting steps which help you in resolving the error code 3002. Sometimes, these below-given steps are difficult to understand and follow and more time-consuming. Alternatively, if you follow the steps in the correct sequence as mentioned below, it will take less time and can be easily followed by everyone. Here how to do it:

Underneath are two methods one is manual and the second one is automatic. If in case, if one method is not working then tried the next method to solve it. Here how to do it:

Solution-1: Manual Update or Advanced Solution

  1. Launch the ‘Start’ menu by pressing the start icon.
  2. After that, enter the ‘Login Credentials’ to log on as an ‘Administrator.’
  3. Then, press the Start tab and choose ‘All Programs > Accessories > System Tools.
  4. In the System Tools option, press the ‘System Restore’ tab.
  5. In the next window, choose ‘Restore my computer to an earlier time’ option and hit Next tab.
  6. Pick the recent system restore point from the ‘On this list, click a restore point’ in the given list and click on the next tab.
  7. To confirm it, press the ‘Next’ tab and continue towards the next step.
  8. Once the restoration process is completed, reboot the computer system to save all the changes.

Solution-2: Automatic Update

To fix this MYOB error code 3002, follow the instruction which is described below:

  1. Firstly, download the repair utility tool.
  2. Click on the ‘Install’ tab to install the program.
  3. After that, press the ‘Scan’ button to start scanning the system for the latest updates.
  4. Once scanning is completed, press the ‘Fix’ button to troubleshoot all the detected errors.
  5. Restart your computer system to save all the changes.

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About Alexa Thomson Advanced     I am an accountancy expert who has worked with

46 connections, 1 recommendations, 190 honor points.
Joined APSense since, December 25th, 2018, From Merced, United States.

Created on Feb 12th 2019 00:25. Viewed 276 times.


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