Best Ways of Mobile Marketing For Startups in 2023

Posted by Buana Sari
Jan 18, 2023

2023 is experiencing a huge increase in the number of smartphone users. The figure is expected to escalate to 6.92 Billion, comprising 86.41 percent of the global population owning smartphones. The number of smart and feature phone users in total amounts to 7.33 Billion, comprising 91.53 percent of global population (Source: BankMyCell). The world's population of smartphone users is expected to surge further and reach 7.7 billion by the year 2027.

This year, the worldwide mobile 5G connections is set to dramatically increase to over 1.7 Billion with China alone estimated to make up roughly 47 percent of the total connections by the end of 2023. In 2023, 5G penetration in US & Canada will cross 50 percent, and Europe will experience a 5G penetration at an average of 26 percent (Source : Counterpoint Research).

With such a big rise of smartphones and 5G network availability in 2023, embracing mobile marketing will be more important for startups than ever. Investing in mobile marketing tools become more critical to startup business and revenue growth since it fosters direct connection between the startup brand and customer via mobile devices. It is possible to interact and share product information, services, brand info, etc. in a fast and cost-effective manner, since most startup customers are connected all the time via mobile devices.

Highly valued startups are known as unicorns, are fast embracing new mobile marketing technologies and tools like moLotus. They are embracing mobile technology driven marketing models boosting innovation and economic growth across the world. Unicorns are going to create new types of products and services in 2023; which require to be promoted rapidly and cost-effectively yielding more sales and profits. Mobile advertising is going to fuel these initiatives.

Aa per data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8 out of 10 startups fail in their first year. There are a number of reasons for startup failures but lack of marketing strategy and its implementation is seen as the key reason for it. Other reasons include resource crunch, escalating costs, rising inflation, and more. Data presented by FirstSiteGuide highlights that only 40 percent of startups are able to become profitable. Also, 58 percent of startups have less than USD 25,000 at their disposal during the startup phase.

In 2023, when more lean startups and minimum viable products (MVPs) are expected to become mainstream; modest marketing budgets, small teams, and limited resources will put startups in difficult situations. They are required to find cost-effective mobile marketing solutions. Modern mobile marketing platforms may be a real blessing for startups lacking resources and having to promptly produce high marketing ROI.

Having understood that mobile is the future of startup marketing and panacea for all ills; let’s look at the best ways of mobile marketing for startups this year :

1. Raising Brand Awareness and Exposure Quickly

With more and more startups commencing new businesses in 2023, it's important for them to introduce themselves to potential customers quickly. Mobile marketing technologies could be the best way to tell potential customers who they are, what they do, and what sets them apart from competitors. Startup brand awareness goals and their mobile marketing strategy revolves around getting customers to recognize and recall their name, logo, or products & services. Mobile technologies are bringing more precision in branding. They are helping those startups that are struggling due the current changes in the customer’s buying journey.

Startups can easily create awareness and make their brand stand out of the clutter using innovative brand awareness campaigns powered by tools like Facebook, moLotus, Google, Taboola, Adroll, etc. moLotus is emerging as the best tool for creation of a compelling brand identity in all stages of the customer journey via innovative & real mobile advertising campaigns. Via moLotus, startup businesses can easily track and quantify brand awareness campaigns. They can better gauge which ad campaign works and which does not towards brand visibility. There is less chance of moLotus mobile ads getting ignored by the mobile user as it remains in his mobile inbox till it gets deleted voluntarily by the user.

2. Making Customer Communication More Interactive & Personalized

In 2023 mobile-based customer communication would be deeply impacting customers’ perception of a startup. Recent studies highlight that personalized communication together with easy interactions result in a positive customer perception. This year a major share of startup marketing ROI would depend on personalized and interactive communication happening on mobile devices. Therefore, investing in mobile marketing tools offering personalization & interaction options would enhance customer relationships, creating better experiences and marketing ROI for startup businesses.

Unicorns have already been working on hyper-personalized and interactive campaigns using powerful mobile marketing platforms like moLotus offering multiple easy response options like Call, URL Click SMS, USSD, and many more. moLotus offered multimedia formats including videos, dynamic greetings, slideshow, brochure, and showcase further enhances customer communication for them.

moLotus personalizes campaigns for startups using customer name and relevant customer data. More startups are likely to use moLotus, targeting customers via hyper-personalized offers, product recommendations, and other forms of personalized content bringing more revenues in 2023.

3. Acquiring More Customers Cost-effectively

In the beginning of the year, startups are occupied setting vivid customer acquisition goals - attracting new sign ups, enticing customers to become active users of new products or services, converting leads into paying customers and more. Challenge for a startup lies in reaching these goals in a cost-effective manner ensuring marketing success. Studies reveal that it costs around 8 times the amount of monetary resources to acquire new customers as it does to retain existing customers. The startup brands need to adopt the right mobile marketing tools that get customer attention quickly at an affordable cost.

Experts advise startups to use moLotus mobile video customer interaction platform for creating innovative customer acquisition campaigns and getting new customers at low cost of acquisition (CAC). Startups can strengthen their customer base, increasing return on investment.

Several startups using social media platforms and email marketing tools are switching over to moLotus for acquiring new customers at lower costs. High cost of running acquisition campaigns on Facebook, Google, MailChimp, etc. have contributed to low marketing ROI for several startup brands across the world.

4. Scaling Startup Businesses Globally

In 2022 several startups failed to generate demand in the evolving marketplace. The scale of marketing campaigns was too narrow with a pool of potential customers not being big enough. In 2023 they should avoid common marketing pitfalls, and take to mobile marketing platforms to upscale their marketing campaigns to potential customers preferably across the globe.

Fortunately, new mobile marketing tools like InMobi, moLotus, HubSpot,, etc. are helping startups quickly adapt to increasing customer demand, reaching out on new global business opportunities and diversifying their business.

New technologies like moLotus now enable startups to reach an unlimited number of customers quickly. The advertising platform stands out in assisting more startups reach millions of customers daily just in one go on their mobile devices irrespective of phone model or type - be it a feature phone, smartphone, i-phone or. moLotus campaigns offer diverse targeting options based on business criteria, interests, age, demographics, interaction, etc. helping the startups to not only reach unlimited customers but also the right customers in real time.

5. Retaining Loyal Customers

A Harvard Business School study on customer loyalty suggests that repeat customers spend 33% more than existing customers and that a 5% increase in customer retention yields a 25% to 95% increase in profits. However, most financially starving startups around the world have been failing to retain their customers.

Startup companies using customer loyalty & rewards programs delivered via different mobile apps like Spendgo,, Shopkick, etc. have been unhappy with the outcomes in the past. In 2022, many startup brands have witnessed success in reducing customer churn by introducing new-age mobile marketing tools like moLotus. 2023 is likely to see the same trend. The moLotus advertising platform is going to ensure high customer retention rates for startups through various innovative loyalty campaigns.

According to recent research moLotus delivered loyalty campaigns are fueling startup revenue growth by creating personalized mobile campaigns for special occasions like festivals, birthdays, anniversaries, reminders, etc. These milestone campaigns are custom-branded with vivid options including individual names, unique rewards, greetings, CTAs (call-to-action). In 2023, more startups are expected to use moLotus for sending various reward-based coupons and vouchers directly to customers’ mobile inboxes.

6. Reducing Cost

Cost reduction, if done properly, can help make startups become leaner,more adaptable, and more profitable provided they use the right mobile marketing technology to fuel growth.

In recent years startups have been over-dependent on tools like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and Google for promoting themselves. However, keeping in view the massive investment such tools require, many startups are hesitant to pour-in funds on such tools. However, there is a silver-lining!

In the beginning of 2023, more startups are investing on cost-effective mobile marketing tools like moLotus, attracting more customers. With the global pandemic still playing havoc in several countries and mounting global recessionary pressures, cost reduction has become of paramount importance for every startup. Using moLotus, they are designing cost-effective mobile marketing campaigns on a minimum budget resulting in high return on investment. They are unleashing the cost-cutting potential of moLotus mobile automation by reducing the headcounts, together with cost reductions in printing, training, and delivery.

With moLotus round the corner, startup customers get messages in their mobile inbox directly at minimum cost without the requirement of any app download or spending money unnecessarily on data plans. The tool provides a unique dashboard for revenue management using which startups can track campaign performance and keep costs at bay.

7. Enhancing Lead Generation

Studies in the past pointed out that the lead generation process for startups has been cumbersome and quite expensive. According to a survey conducted in 2022 most startups expressed their desire for a superior lead generation tool helping them in generating more leads at low cost.

Experts say that mobile marketing platforms would be serving more leads to startups in 2023 and that too cost-effectively. For instance, tools like Facebook, moLotus, Instagram, Google Ads, Taboola Ads would be used for capturing leads by creating attractive adverts.  These draw the attention of customers, influencing them to share contact details.

moLotus unique lead generation campaigns would stand out being optimized, spam-free, and performance oriented. The lead generation campaigns use innovative rich media formats including videos, brochures, slideshows, showcases, and greetings to encourage customers to share their contact information like name, address, contact number, etc. moLotus would be assisting more startup businesses to capture more leads instantly at low cost per lead in 2023.

8. Relying On Deep Customer Insights

In 2023, big data analytics and management is being seen as the key to deriving deep customer insights. Startups are collecting a vast array of customer data but the real challenge lies in optimizing this big data for analysis and deriving insights to drive their business forward. Most startups are looking for suitable ways to translate big data into deep insights across various customer touchpoints.

Popular mobile marketing technologies like moLotus are assisting startups in data management and run targeted marketing campaigns. moLotus provides superior data curation and big data analytics capabilities, making data management, and analysis relatively simpler for startups.

Startup entrepreneurs can easily compile campaign data into crisp and comprehensive reports, enabling quick decision-making. They get a fair understanding of customers and their needs, create business strategies that are even more customer-centric.


In 2023, challenges in terms of marketing and revenue generation are inevitable for startup businesses. An instant solution for startup challenges is to embrace breakthrough mobile marketing tools like moLotus. 

Successful startups are the ones who use the right marketing technology to grow a larger customer base; build highly engaged customers, reduce churn, as well as increase the customer lifetime value of each individual customer, boosting ARPU.

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