Advanced Tuning Courses for Remapping Performance of Vehicles

Posted by Paul Busby
Sep 20, 2018

The days have gone back when working as a car technician was regarded as mean profession, because today with the changing time working as the car technician not only offers the privilege of earning substantial money but also helps the technicians to establish their own identity in the world of cars. Being a car owner, you will agree that every person prefers to visit a car technician who has vast experiencing of car repairing and servicing, therefore, going through this necessity every technician tries to offer the services that are not offered by the others.

Interestingly, in current scenario that practice of car tuning has gained huge popularity among the car owners for enhancing the performance of their vehicle. In simple words’ car tuning can be summarized as the process of modifying the specific parameters of a vehicle so as to deliver its improved performance. But, as the whole task is quite technical and requires an expert technician to conduct the whole process, there is need of a person who is well versed with the operation by making the appropriate use of computer.

As an impact different types of learning courses for car tuning are initiated by different technical institutes throughout the world. An appreciating feature of these courses is that all of them literate the prospective technicians the method of modifying the determined parameters to deliver enhanced results. The worth mentioning feature of these courses is that most of them are equally suitable for the technicians already offering the tuning services by conventional methods, and also for them who are new in the field of tuning. One more interesting feature of these courses is that depending their convenience the students can get enrolled either as regular students or distance learning students.

Some of the important courses that are highly preferred by the students are referred below:

Learning the use of WinOLS Software:

WinOLS software can be described as advanced software that is developed to make the car technicians understand the whole concept of car tuning, modifying the files and rewriting them to extract the hidden powers of the engine and other components associated with it. Learning the use of WinOLS software is best option to understand the concept of chiptuning development system, copy protection boards, ODB2 system, custom remotes, and checksum calculation.

It would be interested to know that the best way to learn WinOLS is through online training, where individual attention is paid on each student, thus making them understanding the concept of car tuning thoroughly. Before, the commencement of course, you existing skills and knowledge about tuning the car will be assessed through Training Needs Analysis, after which the trainer will determine the type of training you need to understand the process.

Here, one thing which needs to be specify about this course is that depending upon the interest of students three 3 day course is individually initiated for aspirants willing to learning the tuning of petrol or diesel engine, followed by 5 day combined course for understanding the process of tuning both the petrol and diesel engines.

Swiftec training master: 5 day ECU remapping tuning course (diesel and gasoline):

Whether you are new to the profession of tuning or have been already working as a car technician, the Swiftec training courses is the best way to explore your knowledge of tuning both type of vehicles whether they are equipped with petrol or diesel engine. The course begins with understanding the concept of ECU remapping followed by making the student capable of tuning any vehicle brought to his station without the help of any expert.

Map 3D Course:

3 Day tuning course for diesel and gasoline engines: Whether you are a novice or an expert technician, depending upon your feasibility you can enroll in this course for either classroom session or distance learning session. The 3 day intensive course of Flashtec;s MAP 3D begins with understanding the

This course is an intensive 3 day course of Flashtec’s MAP 3D, this course is suitable for all skills levels and abilities even if you’re a complete beginner and never have rempped before.

The course starts with an introduction for ECU remapping and these core principals are built upon to support your training, to the goal of being able to remap fully and independently. The course will breakdown Map 3D program to ensure you are comfortable with the programs many key features.

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