Acne treatment and Scar removal

Posted by Certified Aesthetic
Mar 26, 2021

Not everyone is born with perfect looks, But every human being wants to have excellent and soft skin and looks. Only some people are blessed and born with perfect looks and skin. This happens only when you are lucky, but if you are not, then Scar removal and Acne treatment can help you achieve it.


Pimples can lead to a lot of acne on the face or hands. In today's modernized world, acne treatment is done very commonly. Despite people being upset and depressed about the acne and scars they have, they can regain their happiness by treating it in experts' presence. It is of utmost importance for the clinic employees and experts to use the latest technology to treat acne.

There are two different types of acne:

• Teen acne: They are usually caused by excess oil on the skin. As teenagers or kids, when they scratch, they leave acne on the skin.

• Adult acne: They are usually caused by hormonal changes caused by the growing human body. These are very hard for women as they have childbearing hips. You can treat it with proper acne treatment from experts.


Different facials for Acne treatment

• Classic treatment for acne: The most classic and legendary ways to treat acne are taking steam, applying scrubs and exfoliating. For toning, moisturizer can be applied. Your skin, in this process, will undergo deep cleansing and exfoliation.

• Another way to treat acne is that classic facial to unblock the pores. Fingers or tools can be used. You have to use this process more than once to see effective results.

• With LED cleaning, skin acne can be treated. Red, white, and blue infrared rays are released to treat acne from the LED machine.      

• Skin acne can be treated through serums, masks and acid peels which contains Vitamin C. This is the most commonly used method to overcome acne.

Different types of scars

• Scars which a human body gets from an injury. The injury can be anything like falling from a bicycle. They spread from the initial spot of the injury.

• Hypertrophic scars are which does not spread from the initial spot. They might be pinkish-red in colour and are easy to treat..

• Scars which are caused by the burning of the skin, are also different type of scars. These scars can cause skin tightening and can cause difficulty in movement.

• Acne scars are mainly caused by acne when there are hormonal changes in the human body. These scars can also be due to severe acne when a person scratches to an extreme level.

 Different types of scar treatment

• Scars can be treated with the surgical process. There are many different surgeries that a skin specialist or surgeon can advise you for the treatment. A surgeon would advise removing a certain amount of skin from a targeted area to the affected area.

• Laser scar treatment is the most painless and safe type of treatment. Doctors and skin specialists use the light of high intense waves, which can reduce the size, marks, colour or shape of the scar.

• Ointments and chemical treatments can help in the treatments of scars. Minor scars can be treated with ointments, and chemical treatments can be used for much larger scar marks.

• Scars also can be treated with injections! Yes, you heard it right with injections. If a scar is above the skin level, the injection can make it in the level of the surface of your skin. 

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