7 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time To Invest In Cryptocurrency!

Posted by Ramesh Tawri
May 1, 2018
Cryptocurrency has swept the market with what is termed as the ‘crypto-craze.’ The future of trading and transactions lies in these digital currencies and time is ripe to invest in it now!

Cryptocurrency is digital currency or digital coins which came into existence in 2009 and ever since have made its presence felt in markets across the world. This is a kind of ‘virtual cash’ which can be used like an e-wallet to buy products online, trading and transacting. However, unlike the ‘wallets’, here the currency units are not the ones recognized and backed by governments, but are generated through computer codes by miners and are totally virtual in nature. 

This very feature of cryptocurrency makes it the product of the future. Now, the question is that where can you buy cryptocurrency from? Well, there are many online providers like Indus coin that provide you with the option of creating your cryptocurrency wallet through them and start transacting them for all your needs. This decentralized banking solution provides you with the flexibility of transacting anywhere in the world or keeping your cryptocoins safe in your wallet as an investment tool.

Here are 7 most compelling reasons why cryptocurrency is the future of money and here is where you should be investing now:

1. Safety

Cryptocurrency systems, as the name suggests are developed and maintained through cryptography and cryptographic security. This means that the cryptocurrency is generated by miners after solving extremely complex mathematical problems and hence automatically become extremely safe and immune to hackers. 

When you invest in cryptocurrency, your wallet like for e.g. your Indus Coin Wallet as provided by Indus Coin will be encrypted by a private key or seed and every time you transact your Indus Coins, there will be a mathematical proof that will be used for the transaction. This data will only be available with the owner and will become the part of the code of the cryptocurrency block when you use it for any transactions. 

In simple words, your virtual digital currency has much more safety features than your virtual money that you may stored in mobile wallets like PayTM, MobiKwik and so on.

2. Ease of use

Cryptocurrency can be easily procured through an exchange or online cryptocurrency providers. Since the entire network of cryptocurrency is online, your research for the right source may yield many names in this business. Each one is as good as the other when it comes to providing you with the product. It is the management of your account and the transparency in dealings and services that act as a differentiator. For e.g. an exchange like Indus Coin provides you with a 24X7 customer support to effectively handle your queries and resolve issues related to transactions or investments. 

3. Investment tool of the future

The concept of cryptocurrency is almost a decade old but is gaining momentum now. One of the reasons for this rapidly increasing popularity is that people who have invested in cryptocurrency have made reasonably handsome profits in a small time frame. Much like trading, here also the various cryptocurrency indexes have been on an upswing. At the same time, the risk involved in trading also remains, and hence you must seek the help of a reliable cryptocurrency provider for your initial dealings. 

4. Portability

Unlike banking systems, where portability across the world gets restricted owing to the different currencies being used in different parts of the world, cryptocurrency are extremely portable. These encrypted digital coins can be used for transactions across the worldwide web and have a global appeal. Indus Coins have a reach of over 140 countries with over 20 currency conversion rates. 

5. Lower Risk of Inflation

Cryptocurrency has a controlled supply as these are generated through complex codes and belong to respective blocks. This means that unlike other commodities like FIAT currency, gold and silver, the risk of inflation involved in cryptocurrency is really low. The fact that it is decentralized makes it an independent entity and thus its dependency on economies of respective countries is nil.

6. Privacy of account

Each person who invests in cryptocurrency is provided with a crypto address. This is unique in nature and generated through an encrypted mechanism. This means that the physical identity of the person nowhere gets linked to the cryptocurrency transactions of that person. Even when you go through a cryptocurrency provider, your personal details are kept secure and your wallet is known only through the code. You can further protect your coins in a vault, a feature that www.induscoin.info provides to keep your cryptocoins safe and out of circulation.

7. It IS the future! 

The crypto market is on an upswing. Both the individual coin increase and the trading volume of cryptocurrency are increasing rapidly. More and more internet transactions are becoming open to accepting cryptocurrency as mode of payment. Much like stock exchange, there is a separate crypto exchange where people follow the rise and the fall of the cryptocurrency and take their trading decisions accordingly. 

This medium has taken its time to grow and the fact that is has survived for nine years, without any backing from any Government, and has still managed to yield profits to its consumers, means it is here to stay. The only caution that needs to be exercised when you are going in for your cryptocurrency is that you must go in with a reliable internet currency provider. There are many emerging names in this business and security and ease of service must feature high on your list when you make this decision. 

Zero cost payments across the world are a reality that can only be realized when there are no intermediate institutions in the process like banks. This is the area where cryptocurrency is going to make the difference. The time is ripe to jump into the bandwagon, however, with caution!
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