5 Cyber Security Threats in 2020

Posted by Polina Thomson
Mar 12, 2020

The hazard and risk of cyber-attacks have grown and become serious in the past few years. Since 2018, human beings have witnessed the most terrible cases of cyber crimes along with massive data breaches, imperfections in microchips, crypto jacking, and many more.

It's implied that the progression of innovation and the wide utilization of advanced media are making attackers more brilliant continuously. Further, cyber criminals mostly harms people and organizations that pay less attention to cyber security. They target everything from a well-written blog of an online store to brick and mortar stores to access sensitive data.

Every other day we read news related to cyber security dangers like ransom ware, phishing, or IoT-based attacks. In any case, 2020 accompanies an unheard-of level of cyber security dangers that organizations should know about. A report by Threat Horizon uncovers that in the coming years, associations will confront digital dangers under three key topics –

  • Disruption: Over-reliance on delicate availability will expand the danger of planned web blackouts that bargain business activities. Cyber criminals will utilize recovery product to commandeer the Internet of Things.  

  • Distortion: Spread of deception by bots and automated sources will cause compromise of trust in the uprightness of data. 

  • Deterioration: due to advancement in smart technologies and different demands by evolving national security is responsible for negative impact on ability of enterprise to control information.

Most common cyber security threats that organizations will face in 2020-

Cloud Vulnerability-

As enterprises are utilizing cloud applications and putting away delicate information identified with their employees and business procedure on the cloud, the adoption of the cloud is making new difficulties for firms and intensifying the old ones. Information rupture, Misconfiguration, uncertain interfaces and APIs, account seizing, vindictive insider dangers, and DDoS attacks are among the top cloud security dangers that will keep firms neglecting to put assets into a robust cloud security framework. 


Gone are the days when most representatives could spot phishing endeavours a mile away. The present phishing trick craftsmen have gotten considerably more proficient at making very bona fide interchanges. These in fact proficient culprits are easily repurposing data from their last viable break. Some are using AI that can get familiar with the corporate language and social occasion voice bits to use in complex phone phishing tricks.

Increase of Insider Threat-

An insider danger is a security hazard that starts from inside the focused on association. Insiders that perform assaults have several advantages over outside attackers since they have approved framework access and furthermore might be comfortable with network engineering and framework strategies/techniques.

Smart Contract Hacking-

Since smart contracts are in their initial stages of development, businesses are using them to execute some form of digital asset exchange or the other. It's smart contracts that make Ethereum famous. 

A smart contract is used to carry self-executing codes. Moreover, since it’s a brand new field, technologists are just about getting to know how to design them and security researchers are still finding bugs in some of them. These vulnerabilities make it easy for criminals to hack the contracts. 

Social Engineering Attacks-

Social engineering attacks like phishing have consistently been utilized by attackers to fool exploited people into giving up delicate data like login subtleties and credit card data. Even though most organizations are upgrading their email security to square phishing attacks, cyber criminals are concocting advanced phishing packs that guide in information breaks and monetary extortion.

Phishing is a compelling, high-reward, and insignificant speculation procedure for cyber criminals to increase authentic access to different certifications; it will keep on being a major cyber security danger in 2020. The 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon uncovers that phishing remains the main source of information ruptures comprehensively.

SMiShing, also known as SMS phishing, is a type of social engineering attack that will pick up conspicuousness sooner rather than later. The gigantic ubiquity of Apps like WhatsApp, Slack, Skype, WeChat, and Signal among others is encouraging attackers to change to these informing stages to fool clients into downloading malware on their phones.

In the age of digital change and globalization, cybercriminals are continually searching for crisp endeavours and thinking of cutting edge techniques to cheat and harm organizations considering this reality, organizations should be aware of the rapidly developing vulnerabilities as well as taking the latest Cyber Security Consultancy Services to deal with such situations. 

We can say that in the coming decade, protecting proprietary and confidential data will become significant for any organization with a digital presence. 

Author Bio-

The A-GRC Consultants holds many certifications in the area of information security, such as CISSP, CISA, CISM, and CFE and delivers Cyber Security Consultancy services in London at the best price. 

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