15 Top Wedding Photography Tips For UK Weddings

Posted by Adrian Cruce
Oct 27, 2020

We all know it’s right up there as the most important day of your life. There is a multitude of things to do when preparing for a wedding.


One of the main ones that you don’t have to do yourself on the day is the photography.


None-the-less it is one of the most critical aspects of your special day.


So I have compiled a list of 15 wedding photography tips when getting married in the UK:


Agree on the right style of photography that you prefer

Unbeknown to many people, there are various styles to choose from for your wedding day. Your wedding photographer will give you some options, such as:


Photojournalistic Wedding photography

Representing a more informal approach to the day, telling a story.


Portrait Wedding Photography

Portrait photos result in some of the more stunning images they are formal, and you are posed and directed for the photography.


Natural Wedding Photography

Ideal for weddings where a lot of the day will be spent outside, natural light is used rather than flash photography and formal posing. 


Black and White Wedding Photography

Black and white photography is becoming ever more popular in the past few years, helping to capture timeless images. Sometimes a lack of colour enhances the mood, creating compelling photos.


Also, be sure to talk about the level of inclusion of friends and family throughout the day and enquire if they supply a documentary-style package.


Let your wedding photographer show you examples and guide you in your decision-making.


Searching on the internet – A private tip

I got married in Somerset. For those who know it’s a very picturesque county. It is best to look for someone in your area; I’ll cover that in a moment


They don’t need to be in the next street to you, but someone that knows the area will know how to get the best out of it.  


To find our wedding photographer, who also did documentary-style photography and videography for weddings we went searching on the net. Maybe some of these search terms you can apply for your area when looking for the right fit.  


We searched for things such as wedding photographer Bath, or Bath wedding photographer. Also, wedding photographer Somerset, but as we wanted video shot throughout the day, the search term that got us what we wanted was ‘wedding photographer and video Somerset’. So play around on Google, and you are bound to find the right person to do the perfect job.


The internet is your friend - Use online reviews to help make decisions

When considering your wedding photographer, photography and videography in general, use the internet to get reviews and ratings from other people.


Look carefully at portfolio’s online. There’s no need to jump into the first aesthetically pleasing website.


If you plan a year ahead, you can get to know your potential wedding photographer first, follow them and engage with them through social media interaction.


Check your potential wedding photographer’s location

If you choose a local wedding photographer, you’ll never hear the dreaded words ‘I’m backed-up in traffic!’ If you have settled on someone from out-of-town, that’s fine; you may be looking for a higher level of service.  


Consider organising somewhere for them to stay overnight if they can. Also gives you a chance to spend some time with them beforehand, never hurts.


Why not look at an ‘engagement’ shoot?

Engagement shoots are an ideal opportunity to become familiar with your wedding photographer. 


You can also engage in some photography and videography as practice makes perfect for the big day. He or she will be able to convey what they want from you on the day.


Your wedding photographer will quickly identify and advise on how to look your best and what your best look is. Also, this shoot is perfect to use for wedding stationery for invites, amongst other things on the big day.


Try not to be bossy

Trying to micro-manage things on the day is not a good idea.  


You have plenty of time to have a plan in place and an understanding between you.  Try not to make their to-do list too long and demanding.  


Photographers produce their best work capturing the day as it unfolds.


Natural photographs of the day through their eye will capture the essence of the day without being directed and everything being stage-managed. 


Try to spend as much as you can 

When it comes to wedding photography and videography if you can stretch your budget, my advice is to try to do it if you can.


Finding the right wedding photographer, they will have different price ranges for the day. The higher-end is always worth the extra investment. 


What about copyright?

An area few consider.  


Question them as to whether you can print, publish and duplicate your wedding photos?


Wedding photographers have different stipulations about what their work can have and cannot have done with it. It’s worth double-checking with them beforehand.


Make sure you and your wedding photographer are on the same page

If there are specific shots you really desire, such as the all-important kiss in the doorway of the church or the start of the first dance. Please make sure they are well-briefed beforehand. 


Please make sure you listen to their advice

Trust them. Experienced wedding photographers are professionals; it’s their job. Never be afraid to ask a question but at the same time listen to your wedding photographers answer, but more importantly, their suggestions. 


Many people have ideas in their head, but due to the fact they have no photography background, these ideas may be misguided, be flexible.  


You’ll be surprised, as sometimes there is not as much confetti as you thought there would be, speeches take ages and the DJ and the band take longer to get going than you thought. 


You hadn’t considered that had you? Exactly! 


Connect with your wedding photographer

It is so important to have a connection. I can’t stress this enough; if you are not engaged with each other, the shoot will not come out looking natural.


In many cases, you may well spend more time with your photographer on the day than some of your friends and family. Process that thought for a moment!


So having a good working relationship is vital to ensuring a perfect portfolio from the day.


Keep formal ‘line up’ pictures to a minimum

Look to get no more than five or six images of the key people on the day. Remember, it’s a day for people to enjoy and be mixing and talking; the family may not have seen each other for years.


Enjoy the day and try not to spend too long standing static as all the smiling will make your face ache!


Think about minimising the receiving line

The receiving line can consume unnecessary time. 


The time can be used for other photographs before the wedding breakfast. If you have engaged photography and videography, why not spend that time capturing natural moments or you speaking to the guest as they arrive and throughout the day? It’s way more realistic.


Light and timings – They need consideration

Unless you’ve taken a gamble and look to get married in the middle of winter, natural light photos outside are popular.


Warm, soft, hazy images won’t work late afternoon in November! Make sure you engage with your wedding photographer as it is time-dependent and needs to be organised and built-in to the day’s schedule.


Look after your wedding photographer on the day

Remember it’s not just a long day for you. You get to sit down a lot through the day, wedding photography and videography is labour intensive, and they are on their feet all day.  


Make sure you have a word in your caterer’s ear to ensure they are never short of food and soft drinks throughout the day (no alcohol, of course!). That way, you make them feel part of the wedding, and you’ll get the best out of them.



Building a good rapport and understanding with your wedding photographer is vital. Remember over time, memories fade, but with the right wedding photographer, photos and video never will. I wish you well with your big day!


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