
Hi Chase, I have to say that "hunting" you down back in June was the best thing I have done in my business. You and I are so much a like in our mental attitude towards our online business it's like we are brothers from different mothers. :-) Together we have accomplished so much and continue to do so every day. I am honored to be a part of the Trafficwave for profit leadership and really enjoy working with you in the webinar training room, preparing new online business owners for success. I look forward to years of success working with you. You're the best. Joe Sansoucie http://superbtextadvertising.com
 - san1091 January 28th, 2010

Hi Chase! I'm glad to welcome you in this network as I'm conviced that you will a good asset to it. To our success! Eric Lafontaine
 - cyberco November 17th, 2009

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