Member's Profile

Taisa Brosilovsky
Vancouver, Canada
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

Business Industry

  • Business
  • Food & Drink
  • Health & Medical
  • Marketing
  • Society & News


You don't have just to dream anymore...
Oct 5 2007 22:30
Hardworking Network Marketers Make money from your marketing expertise. Be A Hero In Your Online Community.Learn More, Give Back, And Make A Name For Yourself! One Site Gives You The Best Instruction In The Industry Truly to Your Success

Real Friends are Always Win!
Oct 1 2007 20:07
Dear Friend, I am one of the top people (5th level) in a new social network that has a forced matrix commission structure of 5x8.  I am recruiting aggressive marketers with downlines in place and any one else that wants to join the ride.  You can be a part of the Boardroom launch which debuts on Monday Oct 1st and be involved at the top! ..for real! Tomorrow we get to see the new site! A true ground-floor opportunity you don't want to miss! Sign up is FREE: This will have the look and feel of MySpace but feature Video Conferencing, Video Dating, Video resume and a lucrative pay plan. Boardroom members will be waived the $49.95 annual membership fee.. try it FREE for a year this is going to be BIG has $$$ behind it! See you in the Board Room.. (I promise you won't get bored.. ) Best regards Taisa Brosilovsky

Oct 1 2007 16:57
Controversial New e-book reveals exactly why No One seems to care about your business opportunity... why "word of mouth" advertising is a myth... and why no matter how hard you push yourself or how "motivated" you become, you still find yourself no further than you were one year ago. Watch This 6 Minute Video Now To Find Out How Many Of These Lies You've Been A Victim Of!  

Lost, Not Sure or Hopeless?
Jul 10 2007 00:52
Run and read this great book by Ann Sieg, she's a awesome writer.  I want to pass it on to everyone. Did I mention that IT’S FREE? This e-book discloses one of the greatest "cover-ups" in the history of Network Marketing, and how it's used to keep unknowing distributors "in the dark" about why they're not making any money (I guarantee you've been of victim of this lie at some point, maybe even right now!). GET A FREE COPY   See you at the TOP Taisa 604.729.7580

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