
APSense Business Center (A.B.C)

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Victor castro

Someone with goals and a strong desire to follow through. They are always continuously working towards their goals. View Profile
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  • Internet & eBusiness
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ithout a constant stream of visitors to your web site how can you possibly expect to make any money? Here at SpinSuccess, we have been helping our clients gain staggering amounts of search engine exposure since December of 1999. This equates to millions upon millions of web site visitors to our clients' web sites. And, in case you didn't already know it, web site visitors = sales, which in turn = cash in your pockets. All of this is thanks to our years of search engine experience, and our insider knowledge of how they work. In fact, we have helped over 10,000 web sites get the kind of traffic that explodes sales and profits fast. We specialize in promoting top earning affiliate web sites and guarantee that we can do the same for you, no matter what type of web site that you use for your business. The bottom line is that our service will skyrocket your traffic and boost your profits, and the best part is that we have thousands of satisfied customers to prove it... "...SpinSuccess has taken my formerly tedious task of Search Engine Submission and turned it into an easy to manage process that has produced proven and valuable results..." Georgina Sprenkle, Owner of Listen to her Audio Testimonial Below " ...You guys do all the hard work promoting my affiliate sites, and I just get to collect the commissions ;-)" John Hostler, Owner of Listen to his Audio Testimonial Below! "...After nearly 2 years of struggling online, I am finally getting some serious results with my affiliate business thanks to SpinSuccess..." Michelle Salinas, from New Mexico Listen to her Audio Testimonial Below Great ideas often result in fantastic products and terrific web sites... But due to the competitive nature of promoting online, a flashy website or product is NOT enough... You may feel like a million dollars after all the money and effort you poured into developing your own product and web site, but you're not going to generate a million dollar income without buyers. You need a constant stream of people with credit cards in hand, visiting your web site, and checking out your offer(s) if you really want to succeed online. And the old "if you build it they will come" adage simply does not apply to the current online marketing industry. Many a marketer have tried to build a successful online business only to discover that product development and web site creation is the easy part. The hard part comes after - getting the traffic. It is the missing ingredient to online success, and something that very few really talk about. "That's The Bad News - Now Here's The Good News..." Jesse was skeptical at first, but now gets his University tuition paid for... Jesse Myers from Edmonton, Alberta V.P of Marketing Firm endorses SpinSuccess! David, North Carolina Listen to his Audio Testimonial Below "...AFFILIATE SITE OWNER QUITS FULL TIME JOB & CUTS THE SHACKLES BECAUSE OF SPINSUCCESS SERVICE!!..." Jason Reynolds from Raleigh NC Listen to his Audio Testimonial Below While getting a heavy flow of traffic, all hungry for what you're selling, is a difficult proposition for most... here at SpinSuccess, we've made a business of it. We live, breathe, eat, and sleep search engine marketing, and have for nearly a decade, getting thousands of our clients top rankings on Google, Yahoo, and MSN - and sending them millions upon millions of visitors. And we're 100% confident that we can do the very same for you. 90% of internet users find what they are looking for via the search engines so that is where we focus all of our attention... "Here's How SpinSuccess Works..." If you ever want your site to be seen by anyone online, it needs to be indexed by the search engines. And to get indexed, your site needs to be submitted. Sounds simple enough right? Well, in order to ensure indexing, your site must be submitted to the major search engines by hand. Some of the major search engines will block automatic submissions from free and paid services. So, that adds a layer of complexity to the process, and can take an individual hours upon hours of manual labor. Well, no worries once you become part of the SpinSuccess family though, because... Our team will first manually submit your site to the top 15 search engines, using our insider knowledge to get you submitted and indexed quickly and efficiently. Now, while many web site owners will only submit to the top 15 major search engines, there are thousands of small/medium size engines that will list sites quickly and deliver quality traffic. We submit all SpinSuccess clients to over 100,000 small/medium sized engines each month. Even a listing on a small percentage of these sites can deliver a LARGE amount of traffic. Plus, it is important to be listed on search engines not only in the US and Canada but internationally. Why limit your site to only surfers in the US? Our clients have the advantage of being submitted to over 100 international search engines. Among the list are search engines based in England, Spain, Germany and many other countries.