About our Business

I've been a free member of Apsense for several years now, and I have been a part of several online business ventures, none of which I really made a lot of money at. Not that I'm complaining, because I'm not. Everything that I have done in the past has given me experience. Experience is something that gives one the knowledge which has been produced by any event, whether it is directly witnessed or in which one has participated. I've been a participant in an affiliate business, where upon one must put forth effort within a team. This means that once you become a member of said team, you work towards getting other team members to join under you. In this endeavor, one can make a good living. However, this is only if one is good at being a team player, and has the gift of making others believe wholeheartedly in what you are doing, and makes them want to join,(the type where individuals come out of the woodwork and are lining up to join under you.) That is not me. I am a loner. Don't get me wrong, I want people to believe in me, but not because I want to sell them a membership in some pyramid scheme, (not saying all affiliate programs are pyramids.) No, I want people to believe in me simply because I enjoy writing and I enjoy interacting with others. However, if, along the way I happen to do a little affiliate marketing, it will be because I truly know, use, and love the product I am marketing, and I want others to know how good said product is. So, with all that having been said, I would love to have ya' all come and visit my blog, and please leave a comment, (good or bad), I can take criticism as well as I do compliments. Link to my Blog: http://my-amazing-dreemz.blogspot.com One last thing - This is a quote from a lady whom I have come to admire, even though she is long gone from this earth, she has left a great legacy behind. She was a woman born long before her time. She believed wholeheartedly in woman's independence; Even though a woman might love a man with all one's heart, she should still be allowed to think her own thoughts, and have her own opinions, and voice them regularly. " The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls. " Link: Our country is currently waging a battle within itself. One can only hope that men of honor, with charity, hope, and love; will stand firm against those whom would turn our country into one of socialism, and communism. God help us if they do not.

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Roberta Fye
Myrtle Beach, United States
Someone with goals and a strong desire to follow through. They are always continuously working towards their goals. View Profile


Business Industry

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health & Medical
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Marketing
  • Society & News
