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Becky Ragsdale
Chapel Hill, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

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Brush Your Way to Better Health!
Jun 19 2007 14:54
When you brush your teeth, your're not only cleaning and shining your pearly whites, you're contributing to your overall health. "Untreated gum infections can contribute to heart attacks, strokes, and pre-term births," said Sally J. Cram, D.D.S. and consumer advisor for the American Dental Association. "And people with diabetes can control their blood sugar more easily if they keep their gums disease-free." The Melaleuca Denti-Care System was developed by dentists and has the bacteria killing T36 C5 Melaleuca Oil along with other ingredients like myrrh, propolis and papian. The Denti-Care products deep clean your teeth, get rid of odor-causing bacteria and decrease plaque and tartar buildup..... of course, you have to use it.... it doesn't work to just let it sit on the shelf. If you are not already using this product line it is time to try it. Your teeth will always feel clean! Denti-Care™ Pack According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there is a link between the health of your mouth and your overall health. The mouth is a pathway to the rest of your body, so you need to do all you can to keep it healthy. Developed by dentists, the complete Denti-Care System™ along with regular dental checkups will help you enjoy less time in the dentist's chair -- and enhanced well-being. The Denti-Care System is comprised of four important steps that we guarantee will fight plaque and tartar and prevent tooth decay. Here are the four basic steps to prevention. STEP 1 - BRUSH for a Dazzling Smile Brush three times a day for that perfect smile with one of the following Denti-Clean products: Classic Tooth Polish - This proprietary formula thoroughly cleans teeth with an exclusive blend of propolis, T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil, and myrrh. Extra-Whitening Toothpaste - Provides the natural cleaning power of papain (from papaya), and the fortifying properties of calcium, fluoride, and zinc. Fluoride Tooth Gel - Fights cavities and protects teeth from plaque and tartar buildup with the cleaning power of baking soda. STEP 2 – FLOSS for Real Protection Toothbrush bristles miss the small spaces between your teeth. Yet that is exactly where decay starts. Stop the problem in its tracks with Exceed™ Dental Floss. Coated with smooth wax for easier gliding and Melaleuca Oil to help fight odor-causing bacteria. Exceed cleans thoroughly without irritating gums. 55 yards. Cinnamon Mint STEP 3 - DISINFECT by Rinsing Away Bacteria For a mouth that tastes and feels clean, use Breath-Away™ Mouthwash. Breath - Away freshens breath with propolis, myrrh, and Melaleuca Oil. And because it's concentrated, Breath-Away saves more than your breath - it also saves you money! Mix with water to make 20 oz. of mouthwash. Mixing bottle not included. Cinnamon Mint STEP 4 - PROTECT Your Smile All Day Long Portable, soothing sprays give you fresh breath - anytime, any place. Each spray contains propolis, myrrh, and Melaleuca Oil to help kill odor-causing bacteria and freshen your breath on the spot. Hot Shot™ (Cinnamon) Cool Shot™ (Mint) Consider Insta-Fresh™ your "toothbrush away from home." While regular gum can cause problems by bathing your teeth in sugar, Insta-Fresh helps prevent them! The patent-pending formula, with xylitol and Sildent-15™, works on your teeth to fight plaque and tartar buildup while you chew! Sugar-free. Cinnamon Peppermint Spearmint (US only) Denti-Care Pack Choose one from each step # 3133 US $16.00 (10.99PC 7BP)

Empowering Women Working From Home
Jun 19 2007 14:51
ARE YOU WHERE YOU REALLY WANT TO BE FINANCIALLY? $$$$$$$ Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Why not spend the rest of your life as your own boss. You decide when to get up in the mornings, when to work and when to play. It is possible to do exactly that! Work from home with your own home business, set your own hours and work with other women just like you! That is what we were looking for when we found the Women’s Dream Team - a group of women helping and empowering other women to be their best! The Women’s Dream Team is an online community of women who desired to get more out of life with the flexibility to have time for leisure and most importantly, family. We offer a professional, corporate-like home-based opportunity to earn part time to full time income. Through our online training system and support you can't help but to achieve your goals. It doesn't matter where you begin, only where you finish. The most important thing is that you can work from home and be with your family. With our support an online training, we will show you how to achieve your dreams with our proven business model. There is no selling, inventory to stock or parties to give! However we are looking for forward thinking women - Women that have goals and dreams and women that truly desire more out of life. If you are that person please read carefully. Please go to our website ( Request Information from there by clicking on “Hitch your Wagon to a Star”.

My-Easy-Promotor it free use it
Jun 19 2007 14:49
My-Easy-Promoter is the most efficient, powerful, and completely automated way to promote your website to over 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, Classified Sites! 100% Automated - A Complete Traffic Generating Machine!!! My-Easy-Promoter will help potential customers find you! Submitting your site consistently and properly will drive traffic to you. Manually submitting can take up hours of your valuable time - My-Easy-Promoter completely automates this task. There's absolutely NO SOFTWARE to download, and our easy-to-use wizard will have you submitting your first site in minutes. Manually submitting just does not compare to the power of the My-Easy-Promoter System! Top Reasons My-Easy-Promoter is a MUST HAVE Service: Unlimited re-submissions of multiple domains and pages 100% automated! Submitting your web site consistently is the #1 way to get indexed by search engines Search Engines re-index their databases every 4-8 weeks Web Sites are removed and re-indexed during their updates My-Easy-Promoter gives you the power to submit from once per month to once per day and many options in between, completely automated! You can simply set up My-Easy-Promoter once and the system is then on Auto-Pilot! Never worry about resubmitting your site again! There's nothing to download, no software to learn. My-Easy-Promoter's easy-to-use wizards walk you through several simple steps and you're done! If you know what your domain name is, you can use the My-Easy-Promoter System! All of your data is stored with us. Want to change your resubmission schedule? It's done with 2 clicks! Nothing is more simple and can drive traffic like My-Easy-Promoter! My-Easy-Promoter does all the work for you 24x7! Set up your domains ONCE and My-Easy-Promoter will resubmit your site on the schedule YOU CHOOSE! Do you have multiple domains ? If so No Problem! My-Easy-Promoter can submit any number of domains from 1 to 1 Million - all completely automated! Its free so use it what have you got to loose nothing enjoy and have a great weekend!

Free Money Check It Out!
Jun 19 2007 14:47
$999.00 in your account--No INVESTMENT by you That s right -- $999.00 in your paypal account, no catch THIS WILL NEVER COST YOU ANYTHING, EVER. You will receive $50.00 just for signing up and then earn up to $10.00 for each person you refer that signs up Never SEND, never SPEND, and NEVER EVER ask for money but you WILL EARN THOUSANDS I know what you are thinking..."Yeah right, I ve heard that before " Well...would you be willing to try this if is doesn t cost you one cent? ZERO You will not get a mailbox full of junk email. You will not get on some list. You will NEVER be asked to "upgrade" or spend ANY money. EVER This is NOT one of those "Thirty-day free trial" things. This service will NEVER COST YOU ANYTHING. Did I mention you get paid $50.00 just for signing up, without any obligation? With a small amount of effort you will make hundreds or even thousands. Just follow the easy steps below. (Print this email, if you want) Instructions: 1. Listed below are three email addresses and sign-up URL s. 2. Sign up (for FREE) at under the #1 ID and you ll get $50.00 just for joining. SO CLICK ON THE #1 POSITION AND SIGN UP NOW... 3. Send an email to the #3 person on the list and put in the subject line "I signed up under #1." 4. Copy this letter, delete the #1 person, MOVE THE OTHER TWO UP AND INSERT YOUR INFORMATION AT THE BOTTOM, in the #3 position. (be sure to type your mail and your new URL in correctly, Double - even Triple check it) 5. NOW....send this letter to as many people as you can until you receive 3 emails saying, "I signed up under #1." This letter is easy to send. Know why? No one EVER pays anything for this. Since it never costs anything, how could people NOT want it? THAT S IT ONLY THREE RESPONSES--NOT 5, 6, 10, or 20, just 3 Once you get the 3rd email from someone that says "I signed up under #1." - you are done. You can choose to stop or keep going. By the time your address gets to the #1 position, you will have 27 people signed up under you 27 people X $10.00 = $270.00 Not Bad, but ONLY the beginning. A short ( very short) time later, each of those 27 people will have 27 people signed up under them, and so on. You make anywhere from $5 to $1 on these also. Let s use $1 as example. 27 people X 27 people = 729 people -- 729 X $1.00 = $729.00 pays you for everyone who subscribes under you...and it ads up very fast They make their money from their advertisers. HERE IS THE LIST OF NAMES: #1 E-mail #2 E-mail #3 E-mail A word of caution "If you CHEAT, YOU LOSE." If you try to cheat - it actually backfires. Your name must cycle through all 3 levels to work properly. Try it...if not just for the heck of it. You have nothing to lose but a lot of MONEY to gain. SO GO NOW TO THE URL LISTED UNDER #1 AND SIGN UP TO GET STARTED Cost to you-- Nothing Take 15 minutes and join this program GOOD LUCK *This is not Spam, We are in the same group, need a paypal account? Go to Thanks again, Becky

Is Your Home A Safe Home?
Jun 19 2007 14:45
IS YOUR HOME A SAFE HOME? Most of us, as caring parents, do all that we can to protect our families. · We always buckle them in car seats or seatbelts in the back seat of the car. · We are aware of the dangers of lead paint. · We avoid sugary foods and drinks. · We regularly visit the pediatrician and dentist. · We insist they wear bicycle helmets and protective gear. · Our houses are adequately child proofed. What most of us don't realize is that one of the biggest threats to our children is the arsenal of toxic chemicals that we have in our homes. Here are some startling statistics: · EPA surveys find that indoor air can be 3 - 5 times more chemically polluted than outdoor air. · After analyzing 2,983 chemicals used in personal care products, 884 were found to be toxic. (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.) · According to the National Safety Council, more children under the age of four die of accidental poisonings at home than are accidentally killed with guns at home. · Of chemicals commonly found in homes, 150 have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer, and psychological abnormalities. (Consumer Product Safety Commission) · Women who work at home have a 54% greater risk of developing cancer than women who work outside the home? Children are uniquely vulnerable to household toxins because of their higher metabolic rate. They require more oxygen, and they breathe in two to three times as much air, relative to body size, than adults. Additionally, children are more physically active, also increasing their breathing rate. Finally, children play on and close to the floor where many heavier pollutants settle. In short, our children are breathing in more toxins than adults. These toxins are suspected to be a factor in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Also linked to toxins are allergies, asthma, learning difficulties, and immune system disorders. Where are these toxins? They are in a wide variety of household and personal care products, including: · Laundry products · Dish washing products · Toothpaste and mouthwash · Deodorants · Shampoos · Cleaning Product and more! What can you do? There are safer products available in some health food stores and through some Internet based companies. Some of these out-perform the grocery-store brands, and cost less. If you'd like to know more visit my web site at Let me show you how to have a safer world,home and life.I can also show you how to save money and make a income doing it. Becky Ragsdale 931-364-4650 nights or 931-364-7098 days

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