Prepaid Legal

APSense Business Center (A.B.C)

About our Business

When looking for business you should do the following

See if its for you- If you dont like the service or product you probably wont have a successful business

See who it applys to the more folks it applys to the better it will be

See who or what companies you are competeing with- you will want something with the least competition

We offer legal plans at affordable prices. Who has the money to pay attourneys i know i dont.

Have you ever...

Been overcharged for a repair?
Received a speeding ticket?
Been audited?
Purchased a home?
Tried to return a defective product?
Lost a security deposit?
Signed a contract?
Prepared a will?

We give members access to professional legal counsel not only for traditional legal problems, but for everyday events such as buying a house or a car, creating a will, handling a problem with an insurance company, dealing with identity theft, and much more where legal review should be routine, but rarely is. For Pre-Paid Legal members, access to legal counsel is only a toll-free phone call away.

I am seeking serious business partners to join my team. Our company offers free training and an awesome unlimited compensation plan.

A day in the life of an Independent Associate.
What if I don't have a sales background?
Will I receive support and training?
What would I actually be doing?

This business has been designed so that ANYONE with a sincere desire for success can do it - regardless of background or experience.

YES! Our Certified Field Training program is designed to give you "hands on" experience in learning how to present the membership and share the opportunity with others.

A number of marketing options are available to fit your lifestyle and schedule, but in a nutshell:

You show others the Pre-Paid Legal plan.
You sign them up.
You send the enrollment to the corporate office for processing.
You can get paid every day.


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United States
Someone with goals and a strong desire to follow through. They are always continuously working towards their goals. View Profile
Business Industry
  • Business
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Marketing
