Guys know that some male organ pain is unavoidable; accidents happen or a guy gets into an over-enthusiastic rhythm situation, and a little soreness results. But prevention of avoidable male organ pain is always advisable - and, of course, simply a part of sensible male organ care. Still, when a guy has a tumescence and is a little bored, there's always a temptation to try something a little "different." Sometimes, that's fine; other times, not so much.

With that in mind, below are a few "interesting" temptations that a firm male organ may be well advised to simply ignore.

- A vacuum. They say Nature abhors a vacuum. That may be so, but many men have been tempted to see what it would feel like to receive an automated suck job from the handy dandy hose of a vacuum cleaner. It makes a lot of sense in theory, but the reality is usually quite different. The forceful air suction can cause significant damage to delicate manhood tissue, and the roughness of the hose will just add an extra level of soreness to the man's tool.

- A bottle. Depending on the girth of one's member, a milk bottle or juice bottle can tempt one to use it for a little self-pleasuring. Bad call, as it happens: a glass bottle is likely to break, which is something no man wants to deal with. That may not be a problem with the plastic version, but many a man has been placed in the embarrassing situation of having to ask a friend to help him remove a plastic bottle that has become firmly stuck to his engorged manhood.

- A cardboard tube. When the last bit of paper is off them, a toilet paper or paper towel holder looks kind of inviting - at least if a guy is desperate enough. But two things tend to happen: The sweat a guy quickly works up turns it soggy and the roughness of the cardboard scrapes the dickens out of a guy's dickens.

- Citrus fruits. Many a randy farm boy has discovered the pleasure to be found in a hollowed-out watermelon. It may be tempting to try the same with a nice, juicy grapefruit, but here's the thing: The citrusy acid stings like the devil. There are easier and better ways to get the equipment its daily vitamin C!

- Gelatin. That wiggly little dessert item seems like it would be a very welcoming receptacle for a man's rod. It tends to start out promisingly, but gelatin quickly disintegrates and ends up a sticky mess. It also tends to seep into the urethra, which is definitely not pleasant.

- Hot dog bun. This is a natural association; everyone notices the resemblance between a hot dog wiener and a man's wiener. Yet the snug little bread roll just doesn't work on a guy's dog the way it should. There’s just enough roughness to the bread to cause male organ pain, especially on the glans.

The list doesn't end here, of course. There's also steel pipes, hot mashed potatoes, snow, mud, a bag of flour, etc. Even a piñata can be a temptation to some men.

Ensuring male organ pain prevention by avoiding such temptations is simply good sense. But even the most sensible man sometimes gives in to the curiosity of his little friend. That's where regular use of a first-class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) comes in handy. Using a crème that includes a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator like vitamin E is essential to help relieve soreness from rough use. It is also a plus if the crème contains acetyl L-carnitine. This indispensable ingredient helps with loss of sensation, a frequent consequence of giving into temptations of the sort described above.

Visit for additional information on most common member health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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