
Which Indian city has best climate?

Asked by Rishu Goel, in Environment

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Sam Thomas Freshman  Business Manager
The concept of the "best" climate can vary depending on personal preferences. However, many people consider Bangalore (Bengaluru), the capital city of the Indian state of Karnataka, to have one of the most favorable climates in India. Bangalore's climate is generally mild and temperate throughout the year compared to other major cities in India. It typically enjoys pleasant temperatures, with relatively cooler weather compared to the hotter regions of the country. Additionally, Bangalore experiences less extreme weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, making it a popular choice for many residents and visitors.
Feb 19th 2024 04:32   
goldi l. Innovator  information
India is the land of rich architecture, culture, and religion. From temples in the south to monuments by the Mughals, everything is something that, as an Indian, we can relate to and feel proud to be a part of. But when it comes to buying a property amidst diminished resources, sparing temperatures, rising population, and pollution, all these infrastructures fail to attract us. The reason why some cities have become temporarily inhabitable is because of the bad weather that one cannot live in, so it is right to say that climate change has led to the loss of human life.

Indian cities are already under the pressure of population growth and pollution expansion; now, with the addition of climate change, it has further started to depress the price of real estate. The price of a property is directly proportional to demand! And the demand is based on weather.

Many people are actually postponing their home buying decision due to changes in weather dynamics in cities. Green homes were introduced in India five years ago based on public response. A person looking for property based on weather simply wants water to be available during summers and no water logging during monsoons, which surely isn’t that much to ask. We bring you the 5 best cities to live in based on pleasant weather conditions, research, and surveys.
So, here is the list of the best climate cities in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and other cities in India.

5 Best Weather Cities in India​

1. Pune
Pune is the second most popular district in the Indian state of Maharashtra and the best weather city in India as well. The average temperature in Pune ranges from 21-30 degrees Celsius. When you buy a property in Pune, you will get to enjoy the best weather in India.
During the monsoon season, there is nothing to worry about as the rains are moderate. During summer, temperatures may rise, but mostly they go up to the high 30s, and at night you would hardly feel as though the nights are pretty cool in Pune because of its high altitude. And the best part is that the property and rental rates in Pune are quite lower, and you will get to enjoy delicious food, proper connectivity, and good education. So, buying a property in the best weather city in India is a win-win deal!

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2. Belgaum
Located in the Western Ghats, the Belgaum city of Karnataka People living in Belgaum take pride in the city’s cool climate, and it has been observed that the weather is always pleasant. Even during high summers, people never complain because the weather is quite pleasant. The monsoon is always on time, i.e., it starts in mid-June and lasts until September. Whereas winters are something that many of you might shiver at, the reality is that you’re going to love this as it has one of the best weathers in india! In our list of the 5 best cities to live in based on pleasant weather conditions, we will surely allot Belgaum the second position.

3. Bangalore
In the third position of the 5 best cities to live in based on pleasant weather conditions, we have Bangalore. As we all are well aware of the fact, startups, co-working spaces, and work culture trends have been brought by Bangalore. The city offers amenities that are cheaper than in most other bustling cities. It is easy to rent and buy a property in Bangalore. People fond of living their lives in amazing weather tend to shift to Bangalore. The city resides at an elevation of 920 metres above sea level. The high temperature here is 28 degrees Celsius, which is comfortable enough. While the city is notable for occasionally experiencing rain during the summer.
People who shift to Bangalore with family or in search of work tend to always enjoy the pleasant weather, which makes it one of the best weather cities in India to live in.

4. Hyderabad
When we talk about Hyderabad, people have the misconception that it is a hot place to live. Umm, the reality is that sometimes it can be true; there are times when the summer months touch 40 degrees Celsius. Nevertheless, the city caters to every need, and most people experience pleasant weather the rest of the year. Hyderabad is situated at an elevation of 505 metres above sea level, which makes it an even more attractive city that offers a pleasant climate. The moderate rains bring respite from the heat in summer; that's another reason why people buy property in Hyderabad. These are the factors that make Hyderabad one of the cities with the best weather in India.

5. Chandigarh
If you wish to relocate yourself for happiness and look for the cleanest city in India, then Chandigarh is the answer for you. The weather during the months of May and June is the hottest and ranges from 25 degrees to 37 degrees Celsius, but it has a rather pleasant disposition because of the mild rains that greet the city on certain days.

The city is said to be the next IT capital, and it is situated near Delhi. So the job opportunities are growing due to people having already shifted. But if you have not, and till now you were in a dilemma about whether or not to buy a property in Chandigarh. You should if you want to live in a clean city with pleasant weather and excellent infrastructure and amenities.
Feb 20th 2024 00:40   
Jasmine Brown Junior  contact customer help
Bangalore and Pune is the one of the best city in India for climate.
Feb 20th 2024 00:51   
Rank L. Freshman  Navigate the Local Market with Rank Local
Nanital and Shilong are the one of the best city in India for climate.
Feb 21st 2024 00:12   
Pankaj Sharma Senior   Digital Marketing Expert
According to some sources, Pune is the best city in India for pleasant weather. The average temperature in Pune ranges from 21–30°C, and even in the summer, temperatures stay below 30°C.
Feb 21st 2024 01:48   
Rankey M. Innovator  SIS Certifications
In my opinion, Pune is the best city in India where one can breathe fresh air and enjoy excellent climate conditions.
Feb 22nd 2024 09:17   
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