Find the courage to do the hard things in life.  The things no one else is doing.  The things that frighten you.  The things others can’t do for you.  The things that make you question how much longer you can hold on and push forward.  Because those are the things that define you.  Those are the things that make the difference between existing and living – between knowing the path and walking the path – between a life of mediocrity and a life filled with happiness and success.

When we want things to be easy, and expect them to be, we are inevitably disappointed.  Our disappointment then motivates us to give up too soon. You never know whether you could have put in the effort and done something incredible with your life.  I made changes because I was sick of not knowing

All great achievements require time and work.  Good things don’t come easy.  And patience is the only way you can endure the grey periods.

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