My mission for today is to write an article for which I believe they give me 120 points (of dubious value), so I am going to try to comply just for grins.

I guess it goes along with the new email practice that instead of paying us a nickel to read the message and respond, they give us 25 points (same dubious value) instead. I know it takes four years to save up $50 at a nickel a day, but now it will take three times as long and I don't know if I will even live that long.

So back to the article. The reason I am able to do this at all, is I have been practicing my writing skills on Bubblews where this article would earn me a dollar or  two, so you can see why I might be reluctant to spend my time writing this one, when I could be over there making another buck.

I do remember that these articles need to be long enough, or you get an error when you try to save them, so I can blather on a little longer I guess. I woke up early today, so I came in to spend a little time online until I get tired enough for a nap. I did my clicks on the Better Free Traffic site I wrote about yesterday, then started listening to the radio in the background while I watched some videos and clicked some ads on Fusioncash to make another buck or so. Oh and I posted in their forum to make another dime (it all adds up). Now I am over here on APSense catching up with friends. Hey maybe I will pin this article on Pinterest!

Well thanks for reading (if you got this far), it at least makes me feel like my writing was not in vain.

See you online,


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