Hello All

The business environment is always changing but governments can help us or hinder us.

Today big governments, along with The United Nations is hindering both small and large businesses. So called environmental laws are a scam and business will never get to be fair until the common person realizes what big government and the United Nations are trying to do. They are taking away our freedoms under ICLEC (see link below) getting involved in local councils. Also you need to know about AGENDA 21 Everyone need to know the truth or we will not survive. Americans should listen to Ron Paul and support him for president. This can still happen but the main stream media is not reporting this. Google search Ron Paul and also see Ron Paul on youtube. It we don't wake up now, there will be no small businesses. They are trying also to get internet censorship. 

See ICLEC Group

See Agenda 21 What Is It

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