
What are the Basic Skills You Need To Become an iOS Developer?

Asked by George Young, in Software
There are so many people who want to pursue their career in the mobile app development but when it comes to the skills, they fail to come up with the skills that required to become a professional web developer. i need some assistance over this. please help me out.

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Evan Joe Advanced  Manager
You can search apps on the store, then filter some useful apps, that maybe helpful
Dec 14th 2018 01:41   
Riya Oberoi Advanced  writter
As far as skills in iOS development, look for tools and technologies like: Objective-C, or increasingly, the Swift 3.0 programming language. Apple's Xcode IDE. Frameworks and APIs like Foundation, UIKit, and CocoaTouch.

The Must Haves
These are topics you should have hands-on experience with and be comfortable talking about and implementing. That hands-on work needn’t be paid work and you won’t be expected to recite documentation from memory, but you should have at least moderate fluency in the following topics.

Xcode & Interface Builder
Building to Devices
Distributing an App (preferably for an app on the App Store)
Fluency with Swift OR Objective-C
Cocoa Touch
Auto Layout
Understanding of MVC
Debugging in Xcode
Xib’s, Storyboards, Segues and related presentation/transition
Core Data
Parsing JSON
Notifications, Delegation, Key Value Observation
REST and/or SOAP
Git, Subversion or other version control
Understanding of Clean Coding Principles
Understanding of SOLID
Threading and Concurrency

Unit Testing, XCTest (not an expert, but some experience)
Have built for both iPhone and iPad, ideally in a universal app
Dec 14th 2018 03:31    Edited in Dec 14th 2018 03:32
Jacky Gu Advanced  Surfactant Products and Technologies
Containing both hydrophilic groups (groups that tend to dissolve in water are attracted by water) and hydrophobic (groups that do not like water, or are repelled by water) surfactants are usually organic compounds in general.
Dec 18th 2018 01:32   
Net Solutions Junior  Mobile App Development Services
What are the Basic Skills You Need To Become an iOS Developer? Objective C
Jan 11th 2019 01:29   
Alexa Thomson Advanced   I am an accountancy expert who has worked with
core languages and programming languages like objective -C must to make you an iOS Developer.
Feb 5th 2019 23:07   
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