
What are some good ideas for a fundraiser for a high school?

Asked by Zahra Casey, in Software

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Best Answer

Max Anderson Advanced  Digital Marketer
the fundraiser can be way more effective if it contains all the needful features for more visit NCrypted Technologies.
Jul 2nd 2018 04:25 


Kanika Goyal Professional   Online Consumer Forum
I don't have sufficient knowledge about this
Jul 1st 2018 02:37   
Max Anderson Advanced  Digital Marketer
the fundraiser can be way more effective if it contains all the needful features for more visit NCrypted Technologies.
Jul 2nd 2018 04:25   
Raymond Glass Innovator  The Good News
Popcorn and chocolate candy bars would be very good fund raisers for schools.
Jul 6th 2018 11:47   
faii acy Magnate II   GPT Site Owner/Operator
Car Washes are effective. Also I often see HS kids packing groceries in the grocery store for tips to raise money for trips.
Aug 11th 2018 23:32   
Rob aka Cerberus Magnate III   Better World Partisan
I would do it Online at F1$ (feel free to ask me for the link) by getting the students and teachers plus their families and friends involved. ;-)
Aug 12th 2018 05:44   
Amy Rouy Advanced  Freelance Digital Marketer
It can be in many ways but Idea should be in ethical way. one can run campaign on social media and get funded.
Aug 18th 2018 00:45   
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