
How to stop rank of Negative news from Google search. ?

Asked by Kapil Lowanshi, in Business
How to stop rank of Negative news from Google search. ?

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Liz Seyi Magnate I  Digital marketing manager
Request the Journalist Remove the Article.
Request an Update to the Article.
Fill Out Google's DMCA Form.
Give the Article Time to Fall off of the First Page.
Create Positive News Stories.
Suppress the Negative News Article.
Aug 24th 2023 23:10   
Manson Willam Innovator  Itztechy
Managing and mitigating the impact of negative news on Google search results can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to minimize their visibility. Here's a general guide to help you address this issue:

Create Positive Content: Develop and promote positive and high-quality content about yourself, your brand, or your company. This could include articles, blog posts, press releases, and social media profiles that highlight your accomplishments, values, and contributions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize the positive content you create to ensure it ranks higher in search results. Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and titles to make your content more search-engine friendly.

Content Diversity: Create content in various formats such as articles, videos, images, and infographics. Google tends to display diverse content types in search results, which can help push negative news down.

Guest Posts and Interviews: Contribute guest posts to reputable websites and participate in interviews. This can help you establish authority and promote positive content.

Social Media Management: Maintain active and positive social media profiles. Engage with your audience, share valuable content, and respond to comments in a professional manner.

Online Reputation Management (ORM): Consider hiring an ORM company that specializes in improving online reputations. They can use their expertise to monitor and manage search results for you.

Legal Approaches: If the negative news is false, defamatory, or violates your privacy, consult legal experts about possible actions to take against the sources responsible.

Press Releases: Publish regular press releases about positive developments related to your brand or company. This can help overshadow negative news with more recent and positive updates.

Monitor and Respond: Stay vigilant and monitor your online presence regularly. Respond promptly and professionally to negative comments or reviews.

Engage with Media Outlets: Reach out to media outlets and journalists to provide accurate information or clarification about any negative news. Building positive relationships with the media can help ensure fair coverage.

Build Backlinks: Create a network of reputable websites linking to your positive content. This can improve the authority and ranking of your content.

Patience: SEO efforts take time to show results. Be patient and consistent with your strategies to see improvements in search rankings over time.

Remember that while these strategies can help mitigate the impact of negative news, they may not guarantee complete removal from search results. The goal is to create a stronger online presence that pushes negative content further down the rankings, making it less noticeable to users searching for information about you or your brand.
Aug 25th 2023 01:02   
Rachin Gupta Innovator  CEO
To improve Google search results for negative news, focus on creating and promoting positive and relevant content about yourself or your brand. Develop a strong online presence through social media, websites, and blogs. Optimize content with relevant keywords to increase visibility. Engage in public relations efforts to garner positive media coverage. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. Additionally, consider seeking professional online reputation management services. Over time, consistent efforts will help push down negative news rankings and showcase a more accurate and positive representation in search results.
Aug 25th 2023 01:06   
Varsha Lowanshi Advanced  Seo Expert
Delete Posts, Pages, and Accounts You No Longer Need.
Check Your Privacy Settings.
Add a noindex Meta Tag.
Use Google Search Console.
Use the Outdated Content or URL Crawler Tool.
Ask to Remove Content on Legal Grounds.
Aug 25th 2023 05:18   
Akhilesh Chandra Advanced  Business
Nurturing Skills for Tomorrow: A Deep Dive into the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS)
In the dynamic landscape of workforce development, the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) stands as a beacon of skill enhancement and employability. As an integral part of Skill India, NAPS has revolutionized the way individuals acquire hands-on experience and organizations secure capable talent. This article delves into the various facets of NAPS, including its objectives, benefits, registration process, and its role in shaping India's skilled workforce.
Unveiling NAPS: Empowering the Workforce
Understanding NAPS
The National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) is a pioneering initiative that aims to bridge the gap between theoretical education and practical application. It serves as a catalyst for skill development, fostering a workforce that is adept and job-ready.
Objectives of NAPS
NAPS operates under the aegis of Skill India, envisioning a future where individuals are equipped with skills that align with industry demands. The scheme not only empowers individuals with practical skills but also addresses the evolving needs of industries.
Benefits of NAPS
For trainees, NAPS offers the chance to gain hands-on experience, boosting employability and career prospects. Simultaneously, industries benefit from a skilled workforce, contributing to increased productivity and competitiveness on a global scale.
Guidelines for Implementation
The effective implementation of NAPS is facilitated through meticulous guidelines. These guidelines ensure that apprenticeship programs are structured, monitored, and evaluated effectively, fostering a symbiotic relationship between industries and trainees.
Navigating the NAPS Ecosystem
NAPS Registration
The journey of skill enhancement begins with NAPS registration. Through an online portal, individuals and organizations can register for the scheme, initiating a process that connects aspiring apprentices with industries seeking skilled trainees.

NAPS Portal
The NAPS portal serves as a digital bridge, connecting potential apprentices with organizations offering apprenticeship opportunities. This platform facilitates the seamless exchange of information, creating a conducive environment for skill development.
NAPS Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship lies at the heart of NAPS. It is a structured learning process that combines practical training with theoretical knowledge. Apprentices are guided by experienced professionals, acquiring skills that are directly relevant to their chosen fields.
NAPS Certificate Download
Upon successful completion of apprenticeship, trainees receive certificates that validate their acquired skills. These certificates become a testament to their commitment to personal and professional growth.
The Significance of NAPS
Fostering Employability
NAPS contributes to the holistic development of individuals, preparing them for real-world challenges. Apprentices emerge from the program not just with skills, but with a sense of self-confidence and readiness to contribute effectively to their respective industries.
Enriching Industries
Industries that participate in NAPS gain access to a pool of talented and motivated apprentices. By nurturing these trainees, industries ensure a pipeline of skilled professionals who can drive innovation and growth.
Upskilling through NAPS
As industries evolve, so do skill requirements. NAPS addresses this need by offering upskilling opportunities, allowing individuals to continuously refine and expand their skill sets, keeping them relevant in the ever-changing job landscape.
Looking Ahead: NAPS 2023 and Beyond
With each passing year, NAPS continues to evolve, aligning its strategies with the changing dynamics of industries and skill requirements. The scheme's integration with various platforms, including UPSC, ensures a wider reach and greater impact in shaping the country's workforce.
In the pursuit of building a skilled India, the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) emerges as a transformative force. By nurturing talent and fostering a culture of practical learning, NAPS stands at the forefront of skill development initiatives. As industries grow, innovation accelerates, and economies expand, NAPS plays a pivotal role in shaping a workforce that is not just prepared for the challenges of tomorrow, but poised to excel and thrive.
Aug 26th 2023 02:11   
Mark Jade Innovator  Unleash your creativity
Managing search engine results, especially when it comes to negative news, can be challenging. While you cannot directly control the search results on Google, there are some strategies you can employ to influence the rankings and improve your online reputation. Keep in mind that these approaches might not guarantee immediate results, and it's important to stay consistent and patient. Here are some steps you can take:

Create Positive Content: Develop and promote positive and relevant content about yourself or your brand. This could include personal or company websites, blogs, social media profiles, and other online platforms. Make sure this content is well-optimized for search engines with relevant keywords.

Optimize Existing Content: Review your existing content and ensure it's well-optimized for search engines. Update your social media profiles, personal websites, and professional profiles. Consistently posting positive and relevant content can help push negative news down the search results.

Engage in Social Media: Active engagement on social media platforms can help promote positive content and push negative news lower in search rankings. Use a consistent handle, share valuable insights, and engage with your followers to build a positive online presence.

Use SEO Techniques: Employ search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve the visibility of positive content. This includes optimizing content with relevant keywords, obtaining backlinks from reputable sources, and improving the overall user experience of your online assets.

Press Releases and Media Outreach: Distribute positive press releases and collaborate with media outlets to publish positive stories about yourself or your brand. Positive media coverage from reputable sources can help counterbalance negative news.

Online Profiles: Create and optimize profiles on professional networking sites like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, and other authoritative platforms. These profiles often rank well in search results and can help you control your online narrative.

Monitor and Respond: Continuously monitor your online reputation and promptly respond to negative content or comments in a professional and constructive manner. Addressing concerns transparently can help mitigate the impact of negative news.

Legal Options: If the negative content is false, defamatory, or violates your rights, you might consider consulting with a legal professional to explore potential legal actions.

Online Advertising: Consider running online advertisements for positive content. While this won't directly impact search results, it can help direct more traffic to positive content, which may indirectly affect search rankings.

Professional Help: If you find it difficult to manage your online reputation on your own, you can consider hiring a reputation management company or an SEO expert who specializes in online reputation management.

Remember that search engine rankings are influenced by complex algorithms, and changes might not be immediate. Focus on building a positive online presence, engaging with your audience, and consistently producing valuable content. Over time, these efforts can help improve your search engine results and mitigate the impact of negative news.
Aug 27th 2023 04:56   
Marketing Consultant Magnate I   Business Growth Consultant
Managing search engine results, especially when it comes to negative news, can be challenging. While you cannot directly control the search results on Google, there are some strategies you can employ to influence the rankings and improve your online reputation. Keep in mind that these approaches might not guarantee immediate results, and it's important to stay consistent and patient.
Aug 28th 2023 00:26   
Mohemmed Elarby Magnate II   Web Designer,seo,Marketing,
Managing negative news in Google search results can be challenging, but there are some steps you can take to mitigate the impact. Here are a few strategies:

Monitor Your Online Reputation: Regularly monitor what is being said about your brand or organization online. Set up Google Alerts or make use of online reputation management tools to stay informed about any negative news or mentions.

Respond Promptly and Professionally: If you come across negative news, it's important to respond promptly and professionally. Engage with the issue directly by offering a well-crafted response that addresses concerns or provides accurate information. Be transparent, empathetic, and proactive in resolving any issues raised.

Create Positive and Engaging Content: Develop a content strategy that focuses on creating positive, informative, and engaging content. Publish high-quality articles, blog posts, videos, and social media updates that highlight your brand's strengths, achievements, and positive experiences. By consistently producing valuable content, you can push negative news down in search rankings.

Optimize Your Website and Social Media Profiles: Implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve the visibility of positive content. Optimize your website and social media profiles with relevant keywords, metadata, and backlinks. This can help search engines recognize and rank your positive content higher.

Leverage Social Media: Actively engage on social media to build a positive online presence. Regularly post updates, respond to comments and inquiries, and share positive news and testimonials. Engaging with your audience on social media helps to establish trust and counterbalance any negative news.

Seek Legal Assistance if Necessary: In some cases, negative news may be false or defamatory. If you believe you have legitimate legal grounds, consult with an attorney who specializes in online reputation management. They can guide you through the legal options available to address false or damaging content.

Encourage Positive Reviews and Testimonials: Encourage satisfied customers, clients, or partners to leave positive reviews and testimonials about your brand or organization on reputable platforms. These positive reviews can help counterbalance negative news and improve your online reputation.

Build Relationships with Influencers and Media: Develop relationships with relevant influencers, bloggers, journalists, and media outlets. By building these connections, you may have the opportunity to share positive news and stories about your brand, increasing your chances of gaining positive media coverage.

Remember that managing online reputation is an ongoing process, and it may take time to see significant results. It's important to remain proactive, monitor your online presence regularly, and consistently work towards building a positive and accurate online image.
Aug 28th 2023 11:21   
Liz Seyi Magnate I  Digital marketing manager
Request the Journalist Remove the Article.
Request an Update to the Article.
Fill Out Google's DMCA Form.
Give the Article Time to Fall off of the First Page.
Aug 29th 2023 00:35   
Naomi B. Advanced  Gadget Repair
To stop negative news from ranking high on Google search, there are several steps you can take:

1. Contact the administrator of the news website and request removal of the negative news[1].
2. Document each URL and its ranking in search results to prioritize removal[2].
3. Implement strategies like de-indexing, optimizing existing content, and promoting positive content to bury negative search engine results[3].
4. Create and manage all online profiles and accounts to push down negative search results[4].
5. Request the journalist to take down the article[5].
6. Hire a professional to help remove negative news articles from Google[6].

By following these steps, you can take control of your online reputation and prevent negative news from damaging your personal or professional image.
Aug 29th 2023 01:26   
Rapidmod IO Freshman  IoT & AI Technology Solutions
If you mean remove content that paints you in a bad light, you cant without good reason. But you can SEO it off the 1st page
Aug 29th 2023 03:55   
Vijay K. Senior  Web Marketing
I understand your concern about negative news appearing in Google search results. However, it's important to note that search engine rankings are determined by complex algorithms that take into account various factors, including relevance, credibility, and popularity of content. You cannot directly control Google's search results, but there are a few steps you can take to potentially influence the rankings and improve your online reputation:

Create Positive Content: Start by creating and promoting positive and accurate content about yourself, your brand, or your organization. This could include personal or company websites, social media profiles, blog posts, and other online content that showcases your achievements, expertise, and positive aspects.

Optimize Existing Content: Review your existing online content and make sure it accurately represents your desired image. Use relevant keywords in your content to improve its visibility in search results.

SEO Techniques: Learn and implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve the visibility of positive content. Proper use of keywords, meta tags, and other SEO strategies can help your positive content rank higher.

Promote Positive Content: Share your positive content across various online platforms, including social media, industry-specific websites, and forums. This can help increase the visibility and credibility of your positive content.

Engage with Audiences: Respond to comments and engage with your audience on social media and other online platforms. Positive interactions can help build a more favorable online reputation.

Publish Press Releases: Regularly publish positive press releases about your achievements, initiatives, and any positive developments related to your name or brand. This can help push down negative news in search results.

Monitor and Address Issues: Keep a vigilant eye on search results and online mentions. If you come across inaccurate or harmful content, consider reaching out to the website owner to discuss potential corrections or removal.

Online Profiles: Create profiles on professional networking sites like LinkedIn. These profiles tend to rank well in search results and can help showcase your positive attributes.

Online Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers or clients to leave positive reviews on relevant platforms. Positive reviews can help counterbalance any negative content.
Aug 30th 2023 06:33   
Pravin Dwivedi Advanced  Digital Marketing -Free Audit
There is no surefire way to stop the ranking of negative news articles from Google search. However, there are a few things you can do to try to improve your online reputation and push the negative articles down the search results pages.

Here are some of the things you can do:

Create positive content. The best way to combat negative news is to create positive content that will rank higher in search results. This could include writing blog posts, creating social media posts, or publishing press releases.
Claim your online profiles. Make sure you have claimed all of your online profiles, such as your Google My Business profile, LinkedIn profile, and Twitter profile. This will help you to control the information that is displayed about you online.
Respond to negative reviews. If there are negative reviews about you online, take the time to respond to them. This will show potential customers that you are taking the negative feedback seriously and that you are willing to address it.
Use Google's search console. Google's Search Console is a free tool that can help you to track your website's performance in Google search. You can use the Search Console to see which pages are ranking for your target keywords and to identify any negative news articles that are ranking for your name.
Submit a DMCA takedown request. If the negative news article is infringing on your copyright, you can submit a DMCA takedown request to Google. This will remove the article from Google search results.
It is important to note that it may take some time to see results from these efforts. However, if you are consistent with your efforts, you should be able to improve your online reputation and push the negative news articles down the search results pages.

Here are some additional tips:

Use relevant keywords in your content. When you create positive content, make sure to use relevant keywords that people are likely to search for. This will help your content to rank higher in search results.
Optimize your website for search engines. There are a number of things you can do to optimize your website for search engines, such as using relevant keywords in your website's title tag and meta descriptions.
Get backlinks from high-quality websites. Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. They can help to improve your website's ranking in search results.
Be patient. It takes time to improve your online reputation. Don't expect to see results overnight. Just keep working at it and you will eventually see results.
Sep 1st 2023 01:23   
Joey Williams Advanced  QBS Enterprise Support
If you currently find yourself dealing with a negative news article ranking highly on Google, there are three ways to remove the negative link from search results:

1. Complete Removal: If the editor or admin of a news site agrees to completely remove the article, the associated link will also be removed from search results. This is the ideal scenario and the first option we look into when helping our clients. If a site removes an article completely, a “404 page” will appear as seen below:

A Google logo being erased, showing how to remove negative news articles from search engine results.

2. De-Indexing: If a negative news story is de-indexed, it means that the link associated with the story will be completely removed from search engine results. The main issue with the negative news article is not necessarily the fact that it exists, but rather the fact that it is highly visible in search results. In most instances, having the link to the negative article de-indexed, is just as good of an outcome as complete removal.

3. Redaction: In rare instances, a news publication will agree to redact (remove) your name from a negative news story. This is more likely to happen in situations where you are not the main focus of the article, or if you were the victim of a crime, and the news article discussing the incident ranks highly in search results for your name. If your name is redacted from the news article, the link associated with the article will be removed from search results with time.
Sep 1st 2023 07:33   
Adriana Lima Junior  Pay Someone To Take My Online Class For Me
The first step that you'll want to take is to try to remove the negative content from the search results altogether.
Sep 2nd 2023 04:07   
Gangadhar Kulkarni Magnate II   Internet Marketing Professional
In this world of digital marketing, a positive online reputation can be a brand's greatest asset or its biggest weakness. There is barely a business that manages to run smoothly without occasionally having issues with its client. When this happens, it is important to resolve things before it reaches a point where the client believes that the issue can only get solved through public forums or, worse still, warning people to keep off your business.

When your online reputation is tarnished, you can easily lose your customers and even partners. Therefore, it is only important to pay full attention to your business's online reputation. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the only way to manage the online reputation of your business and improve it. This involves creating an online presence that can be able to change the perception that the public has about your business and help you have an edge over your competitors.
Sep 2nd 2023 04:44   
Sam Banie Senior  Editor at I Am New Learner
There is no guaranteed way to stop the ranking of negative news from Google search, but there are a few things you can do to try to suppress it.

Request that the website or news outlet remove the article. This is the most effective way to remove negative news from Google search, but it is not always possible. The website or news outlet may refuse to remove the article, or they may not be able to remove it due to legal reasons.
File a DMCA takedown request. If the negative news article infringes on your copyright, you can file a DMCA takedown request with Google. This will remove the article from Google search results, but it will not remove the article from the website or news outlet.
Create positive content. One way to suppress negative news is to create positive content about yourself or your business. This could include publishing blog posts, articles, or social media posts that highlight your positive qualities.
Get involved in online conversations. When negative news about you or your business is published, you can try to get involved in online conversations about it. This can help to control the narrative and present your side of the story.
Use a reputation management service. There are a number of reputation management services that can help you to suppress negative news. These services typically use a variety of techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and public relations, to improve your online reputation.

It is important to note that it may take some time to suppress negative news from Google search. Be patient and persistent, and you should eventually be able to improve your online reputation.

Here are some additional tips:

Use relevant keywords in your positive content. This will help Google to rank your content higher in search results.
Use social media to share your positive content. This will help to reach a wider audience.
Respond to negative reviews or comments in a professional and respectful manner. This will help to show that you are taking the negative news seriously.

If you are struggling to suppress negative news from Google search, you may want to consult with a reputation management expert. They can help you to develop a strategy that is tailored to your specific situation.
Sep 4th 2023 20:32   
Varsha Lowanshi Advanced  Seo Expert
Request the Journalist Remove the Article.
Request an Update to the Article.
Fill Out Google's DMCA Form.
Give the Article Time to Fall off of the First Page.
Create Positive News Stories.
Suppress the Negative News Article.
Sep 7th 2023 06:07   
Varsha Lowanshi Advanced  Seo Expert
There are many advantages to social media marketing, including brand recognition, audience engagement, and increased website traffic. Businesses failing to use social media marketing successfully are missing out on what could be a valuable part of their overall marketing strategy
Sep 7th 2023 06:09   
Vaibhav Maheshwari Professional  SEO Manager
Request the journalist remove the article.
Request an update to the article.
File a DMCA takedown request.
Give the article time to fall off of the first page.
Create positive news stories.
Suppress the negative news article.
Sep 12th 2023 06:50   
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