
How many children can a woman or man have?

Asked by Marketing Trends, in Home & Family

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Marketing Trends Senior Pro Digital Intelligence
Mothers who gave birth -
Valentina and her husband Feodor Vassilyev are alleged to hold the record for the most children a couple has parented. She gave birth to a total of 69 children – sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets – between 1725 and 1765, a total of 27 births.

Males who have parented large numbers of children -
Ismail Ibn Sharif - Monarch of Morocco who had a harem of 500 women, and registered 525 boys and 342 girls. In total, an observation was made of 1042 children, then eventually after his death a total of 1171.
Feb 7th 2021 16:35   
Mit K. Committed  SEO
Imagine having so many children, you could run a factory. That's what Moulay Ismail's family looked like. He was a brutal emperor of the Moroccan Alaouite dynasty from 1672 - 1727. And is reported to have had at least 1,171 children.

But he wasn't the only one who used his power to have sex with any woman, whether she was interested or not. Other rulers like Augustus the Strong and Genghis Khan had hundreds of children. And while these were some of the more ruthless rulers of their time it raises a more fundamental, scientific question.

Women can reproduce for about half of their lifetime and can only give birth about once every year or so. So it makes sense that women can only have a fraction as many children as men. One study estimated a woman can have around 15 pregnancies in a lifetime. And depending on how many babies she births for each pregnancy, she'd probably have around 15-30 children.
Feb 9th 2021 08:42   
Nayab Riaz Innovator  Off-Page SEO Expert
Women can reproduce for about half of their lifetime and can only give birth about once every year or so. So it makes sense that women can only have a fraction as many children as men. One study estimated a woman can have around 15 pregnancies in a lifetime. And depending on how many babies she births for each pregnancy, she'd probably have around 15-30 children.
Mar 11th 2021 01:23   
Marketing Trends Senior Pro Digital Intelligence
Human genetic engineering
A genetically modified human contains a genetic makeup that has been selected or altered, often to include a particular gene or to remove genes associated with the disease.

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Mar 15th 2021 18:23   
Shruti Sodhi Innovator  Luxury Interior Designer
It depends upon various factors including the financial situations of the parents i.e. a man and his woman.
Biologically a woman has limited age for reproduction while the male counterpart hasn't any such age bar.
So, if the wife and husband have perfect physical health as well as economic health, then both can have a child as and whenever they want. So there can be no such concrete number of children.
Mar 18th 2021 06:57   
DHC Việt Official Advanced  lam dep
Sinh con cần nuôi dạy, bố mẹ chỉ nên sinh con khi cảm thấy có thể đảm nhiệm được vai trò bố và mẹ. Nếu tính về mặt sinh học thì phụ nữ mất thời gian 1 năm để có thể sinh 1 người con. Còn đàn ông thì chỉ cần đôi ba phút đã có thể tạo ra 1 hoặc vài người con.
Apr 23rd 2021 01:55   
Robert Hebel Magnate II   Website Traffic
Depends on the person myself 1 is good.
Apr 29th 2021 09:44   
Yoel Piotraut Freshman  Managing Partner
In my point of view it should be 1 or 2 max.
Jul 1st 2021 11:42   
Dr Sanchaita Kohli Advanced  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Women are not a childbirth factory. I think max 2.
Aug 13th 2021 05:02   
Ji Xiaohui Innovator  vehiclerepair22
in my opinion, two kids are the best option. three is max.
Oct 25th 2021 20:25   
Russian Touch Junior  Russian Touch
I will appreciate your help and experience. Thanks in advance.
Nov 11th 2021 00:11   
Marie V. Hall Magnate II   Social Media Marketing And Promos
There Is Really No Limit. They Can Have As Many As Their Bodies Allow Them To Have.
Dec 23rd 2021 08:41   
Bellus Family Advanced  Helping New Parents Be Better Parents
as many as they both wish and consent to have
Dec 30th 2021 08:52   
Dieselgenerator Tech Advanced   ***
Two or three,it depends on you.
Feb 19th 2022 04:10   
ASP Superhome Freshman  Business
Completely depend on mother, 1 or 2 suggested from government.
Jun 21st 2022 06:13   
UTL Solar Committed   India's Best Solar Company
As suggested by government is 2 - "Hum 2 Hamare 2"
Jul 2nd 2022 04:05   
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