It’s always better to attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed. It’s not over if you’ve lost; it’s over when you do nothing but complain about it. Those who complain the most, accomplish the least. If you believe in your business, keep trying on it over and over again. never, ever give up. Spending today complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any brighter. Take action instead. And regardless of what happens in the long run, the secret to remember is : true happiness begins to arrive only when you stop complaining about your problems and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have. As it has been well said : "True happiness lies within you, it doesn't come from others".
If you seek happiness as an end in itself you will never find it; it will always escape you. It’s like a child catching a soap bubble – he thinks he’s got it, then it bursts and it’s gone and there’s nothing left. It’s also like a traveller in a desert seeing a mirage of an oasis – he travels towards it only to find it disappears! True happiness, , depends on what we really are, not what happens to us. That’s the secret.

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