When choosing a locksmith, other than an emergency, you should ask if they have any certifications.  Many states do not require a locksmith to be certified but some locksmiths like to be certified.  This can help them to be competitive in the locksmith industry and lets their customers know they are knowledgeable in what they are doing. There are many certifications available.   Some certifications you can get online without having any type of experience or training.  To ensure if the certification the locksmith is showing you is real and that they do have the experience and training to earn it look to see if it was issued by a locksmith organization.  One such locksmith organization is The Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA).  If you are not sure if it is a locksmith organization, you can research it online.

Here are some of the approved certifications: 

• Certified Registered Locksmith (CRL)—level one of certifications and to receive this they have to pass two specialties and at least ten categories of locksmith  
• Certified Professional Locksmith (CPL)—level two of certification.  To receive this they must have their CRL certification and twelve specialty elective that they choose.
• Certified Master Locksmith (CML)—level three of certification.  They have received their CPL certification and have shown that they are skilled locksmiths in at least ninety percent of the specialty categories that are available.
• Registered Locksmith (RL)—to get this certification they have to have completed a five to six day course that has a final exam or twelve classes of eight hours each.
• Certified Automotive Locksmith—they have a deep knowledge of any car locks.

There is also a certification specifically for safes, which the standards for this certification is set by the Safe and Vault Technicians Association (SAVTA).  The certifications in this category include Certified Master Safe Technician (CMST) and Certified Professional Safe Technician (CPST).

To receive certification the locksmith a written exam must be passed of which there thirty-six different locksmith categories are found on this exam.  For most general certification only ten categories are required.  These required categories include:

Codes and code equipment
Key blank identification
Key impressioning
Cylinder servicing
Key duplication
Lockset functions
Professional lock opening techniques
Basic master keying
Cabinet-furniture-mailbox locks
Lockset servicing

There are also specialty categories in locksmithing like installation practices, safes, and domestic and foreign cars.  By choosing a locksmith with legitimate certification it will help to ensure that you are getting an expert emergency locksmith who has the training and knowledge to make sure that the job is done correctly.  Do your research before choosing a locksmith to work on your home, business, or car.

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