The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN), a member association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), Africa Region, is at the forefront of the organizations catering to the reproductive health and rights and personal needs of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in three camps in Abuja.

In February 2015, PPFN visited the three IDP camps to assess how to provide the SRH and other needs of the IDPs. Their discovery was most shocking and called for a change of strategy towards meeting their needs.

Faced with the overwhelming needs of the IDPs, and being mindful of the tight budget and finances available to PPFN, they reached a decision to in the interim cater to the needs of the pregnant women in the camps.

A census was carried out and 31 pregnant persons were identified. PPFN decided to cater to their needs from then on until they delivered their babies. This, they have been doing since then.

Because of the distance of the camps from the PPFN's Abuja clinic located at Gidan Sulaiman, 4, Baltic Crescent, Off Danube Street, Maitama, Abuja, it was agreed that it was not feasible to register the pregnant IDPs for ante-natal at that clinic.

An understanding was reached with a Police Clinic that was not far from the camp where the pregnant IDPs were registered by PPFN at their own cost. A further agreement was reached with the clinic that all costs of delivery and antenatal, including drugs, were to be borne by PPFN. They were, therefore, requested to treat the women and PPFN will reimburse the costs.

Some of the women have delivered safely. One lost her baby due to complications whose name I have forgotten at this time.

One of the worrisome situations brought to PPFN by their staff who are caring for the pregnant IDPs is that none of them is sleeping on mattress or any padded mat. Most sleep on bare floor.

Their quarters are made with used rice bags and cartons. These form their walls and security from the elements.

Their environment is very dirty and there is no potable water.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria has since set up a team who have spent well over one million naira and counting to take care of a very small segment of the IDPs in Abuja.

If this is the lot of the IDPs in Abuja, one can imagine what will be the lot of those in less endowed areas of Nigeria and neighbouring countries where they have gone to take refuge.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria is willing to do more and is still doing more for the IDPs, but, it is very far from being adequate.

All men and women, companies and organizations, schools and institutions, countries and enclaves should support The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria to do more for the Internally Displaced Persons in Abuja and all over Nigeria.

You can learn more about The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria by going to their website at their official website. IPPF's website is at IPPF.ORG. You can also contribute to this assignment by visiting and helping the IDPs or by channeling your donations through PPFN.

You can rest assured that your little contribution in the hands of PPFN will get to the most vulnerable of the IDPs; and, who are the most vulnerable if not the pregnant and just delivered women and their newborn babies.

We should not let these new babies regret coming to this world at this time. Let us do the best we can to help them.

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