For a man, having his male organ stroked is an incomparable experience; but for some women, feeling a manhood can sometimes be a strange and puzzling thing. An inexperienced woman, or sometimes even a woman with experience, may not know that, while most touches to the organ bring pleasure, some can bring pain. Men who are concerned about good male organ health may need to provide guidance to avoid unintentional achiness and a sore male organ.

Guys shouldn’t sacrifice their manhood for manliness.

Okay, most men want to be seen as incredibly tough. Especially when they are with a new woman, they want to present themselves as tough as steel and incapable of being hurt. This is particularly true when dealing with matters related to the male organ: it’s the very symbol of how masculine a guy is, and therefore has to be presented as impervious to all harm.

So when a guy hooks up with a babe who is really, intensely into exploring his male organ, he’s going to be hesitant to point out when something doesn’t feel good.

A stroke can be too aggressive.

Clearly, a woman doesn’t know what it’s like to have a “dangler” between her legs. When she is feeling a manhood, she doesn’t have any actual conception of what exact sensations are being passed on to the fellow. (It’s the same as when a man is massaging a woman; he does what he imagines feels good, but unless he gets some feedback from her, he doesn’t know if what he’s doing is having the desired effect.)

Women, especially those who are inexperienced, may assume that a male organ likes to be manhandled. Sure, if it’s soft, it may need some gentle touching; but once stiff, doesn’t it always like to be pulled hard or squeezed exceptionally tight?

Matters are complicated by the fact that, yes, sometimes that’s exactly what a guy does want. But when it’s not, it’s incumbent on a guy to say so.

Dry is not good.

It’s also essential that a man lets a woman know if his male organ needs some sort of lubrication when being fondled. It can be excruciating when a really dry (or rough) hand is vigorously rubbing a man’s member. It’s even worse if the rubbing is concentrated on the glans.  A man must make it a point to not be shy about telling his lady friend that an appropriate lubricant is required.

Watch the nails.

Those long, carefully manicured fingernails are very attractive across the dinner table; they can sometimes be less so when wrapped around one’s manhood. If a man is presented with a nail that has been filed to pointed perfection, it behooves him to point out that he prefers his male organ unpunctured.

Hairs are not for pulling.

Men who shave their private area needn’t worry about this, but those who don’t sport the bald look down below know that a pelvic hair is just as painful when accidentally pulled as a hair from the pate. Occasionally, a partner may need reminding of this fact.

These are some of the common hazards that occasionally occur when an inexperienced or over-industrious woman gets too “into” a man’s male organ. Remember, fellows: there’s nothing wrong with gently letting her know that you prefer things done a little differently.

If a woman does accidentally cause soreness, a man can take comfort in the fact that a reputable   male organ nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can go a long way to making things better. Choosing a cream with shea butter is an excellent idea; made from the fruit of the shea tree, this ingredient is nature’s gift for dermatological healing. A cream with vitamin E can also help with healing through hydration, and one with acetyl L carnitine can help restore sensitivity to an over-aggressively stroked male organ.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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