Experts Academy Elite Online 2013 “How Barack Does Email Marketing”

Hey Readers,
Can you promote your brand and expertise with just three simple (but lucrative) webpages? And how does Barack Obama do Email Marketing? (You should definitely borrow this!).

The answers in this video might surprise you:

This is a VERY revealing video about Brendon Burchard's results and online marketing approach.

I've never seen him share numbers like this.

You'll see his launch numbers, book numbers, and how he markets just about everything with three simple types of webpages. (The best part is how Brendon shows that Barack Obama follows a similar marketing strategy. Genius!).

I think this video will really help you conceptualize your next online promotion.

While everyone knows Brendon as the "make a difference" guy, it's also helpful and nice to see him talk about the financial side of things for you.

You'll be surprised by the scale of his results but the simplicity of his approach. Definitely something to model.

Talk Soon,
Hidalgo Jones

Professional Internet Marketing Trainer




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