To the ApSense Crew of Believers

1 Cor 13:1-15

- To love others then I need to know where they are at! What does it mean to know where someone else is at? I know where you need to be? Love makes you look forward and helps you believe where others can be. How do I get you there? Stick with people labor should be prompted by love 1 Thess 1:3-4

Think about your friends and focus on it in prayer, but first pf all get out all of my issues and sins with God Romans 2.

How do you respond to African American young people when their decisions create an uncomfortable emotionale place for you? When what they do in life disciples you?

Job 1:6-22

When life discipled Job in the Bible he let others know by tearing off their close and shaved their heads.

What do you do to let people into your life?

In summary, will I rememember to:

A) Believe in others

B) Care for others

C) Invest in others

Believing Prayers: When I give up focus on doing do this:

Mk 11:24 – Whatever I ask for in prayer I will get. If I have a lack of faith I won’t believe

1 Pt 4: 7 Have a clear mind and self controled

Do I have self control? – the ability to say no to myself?

When you can not say no to yourself you have a faith in God issue.

When you are not clear minded you can not pray.

1 Pet 3:7 – How considerate are you of your significant other?

A) Take time to think about your African American young people

B) If you are considerate of them what does that mean?

It means you are aware and concious of how it effects others.

C) Respectful person- Are you loving and respectful

D) Spiritual Energy and investment

-Rom 12:1 Never be lacking in zeal but keep your spiritual fervor. Do not decide to give up on others. Don’t decide to stop and give up on others.

E) Awareness of needs- James 5:16-17

Are you still praying for others?

F) Confess your sins to one another you can’t be helpful if you do not deal with your sins.

sins G) Job 22:21-30

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