
Advertising on the internet requires consistency and 
freshness, especially using traffic exchanges.

* New Splash page... average price $50
* New Banner ... average price $10
* New HTML Login offer ... average price $15
* New Lead capture page... average price $50
* Website and Hosting monthly ... ???

Finding a graphics designer with time..near impossible.
Getting the exact design you want... frustrating.

Need to change, test your advertising splash pages and
banners... absolutely a must!

One simple solution, AdKreator has it all covered!


No need to find a graphics designer, you can do it 
yourself professionally, yes you can, it's super simple!

No need for server and hosting account, they provide
that for you!

Create a splash page in 10 minutes...you saved $50
and a lot of frustration.

Create a banner in 10 minutes or less, you saved
another $10 at least.

Create a lead capture page, another $50 saved instantly.

Just creating one of each, approximately 30 minutes 
total, you just saved over $110, not including the
hosting costs and frustration without the use of

That's just one of each, no limitations on how many
you can create or how often you want to tweak and
change. Your desire is the ONLY limitation...

Use the hundreds of provided templates and art 
work to create professionally designed advertising, 
whenever you need it!

Templates designed by a Pro and well known graphic 
artist, Justin Ledvina, Shark Frenzy Graphics fame.

Kreate your own splash pages, banners, buttons,
peel ads, login offers, and squeeze pages any
time day or night... enough said...

Test it for yourself, grab it now, put your
advertising in high gear, always keep it fresh.

Andriy Postovenskyy 

P.S. WARNING - AdKreator is highly addictive!! 
I've been using it all day!

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