Link Building With Article Submission Service and Blog Posting Service

Many online business owners spend way too much time planning for and developing their website. They put up killer content on their website, and come up with killer products. But when it comes to promoting their website, they are lost. It is not uncommon to come across a website every now and then with killer products, but it feels like a ghost town. There is no one visiting the site!

There are many ways to promote a website. You can choose to buy clicks, execute article marketing campaigns, or post on blogs. Yourinternet marketing strategy should encompass as many traffic generation methods as possible. This is because if there is a traffic source that dries up, that would not be the end of your internet business. So many new online business owners make this mistake. They have just one single traffic source and when that traffic source becomes saturated, they stop making any more money.

When you start an online business, you want your business to earn you income month after month. Therefore, you should seriously look at various traffic generation methods that will give you long term traffic. Article marketing and blog posting are two such methods.

Both article marketing and blog posting can give you long term results because all those links are already out there. Since your articles are published on various article directories and blogs, you won’t be so easily affected even if a few of these sites went offline. There are still others that will continue to bring you traffic month after month.

In addition, search engines will find those links, and find your websites. The more links that point to your sites, the better your sites willrank in the search engines. And that is a major traffic source!

The process of building back links with article marketing and blog posting is rather similar. First, you start off by creating an article. You will then submit your article to article directories, or offer them to other bloggers to post on their blogs.

The only difference between the two methods is that you cannot include your links in the articles that you submit to the article directories. Instead, all links should be reserved for the author resource box. Usually, for article directories, they accept up to two live links. For blog posting, blog owners tend to accept up to three live links.

However, you would probably have noticed by now that article submission or blog posting is a very time consuming process. Submitting a single article to hundreds of article directories can take up a few hours of your time. As an online business owner, your time far too valuable to be spent on article submission.

Fortunately, you can easily outsource these tasks to article submission or blog posting service providers. These are professional companies that will help get all the grunt work done for you, while you continue to focus on developing your own business. So seriously consider outsourcing article submission and blog posting, and watch your back links and traffic grow.

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