Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips – Code Optimization

Code optimization is a very important in making your website Search Engine Friendly. A webpage is called Search Engine Friendly when it is coded in such a way that search engines can read and understand it to the maximum. For making your Webpage Search Engine Friendly you have to keep the following factors in mind and code accordingly.

Title Tag: Title Tag is the Page Title that shows in the top of the window of the browser. It is also what shows up as the name of the page when youbookmark it. The title tag as a 3-7 word statement is arguably one of the very main SEO tactic. Keep them short and to the point though, because long title tags are not only a no-no for SEO, they look really stupid to people too. Use some keywords in the title, but keep them relevant and concise. Generally, 1-2 keywords or phrases are right for a title. Just pick the most important keywords for your site, and work them into a statement that makes sense.

Meta Description Tag: A search engine looks for Text in your site. It also looks at metatags. If there are no metatags, it uses part of the text in your sitefor the description – this can have unpredictable results! A good site description will be informative, but not too long. It will describe key features using keywords. The keyword tag will contain words that tell the search engine what your site is about. A description tag should not be longer than a short paragraph. A single sentence is best. It should contain 2-3 of the most important keywords for your site.


Meta Keywords Tag: The keywords tag should contain a listing of words – usually 8-15 is plenty! A keyword can be a phrase, or a combination of words, not just a single word. Each word or phrase should be separated from the others with a comma. Repeating keywords does you no good, and can be viewed as black hat, so use a variety. Choosing the description and keywords for a home page can be difficult because you may have many different things you are doing. Just pick the ONE most important thing to emphasize. We had already collected a list of keywords while doing Keyword Research. We have to include them in the Meta Keyword Tag.

Heading Tag: As Title and the Meta Tags Heading Tags can also be helpful in Search Engine Optimisation. These “Headings” make your browser displaythe text larger and set it aside from the rest of the text, on its own line. Search engines will look for and index our headings when they index the pages on our site. Headings like that are weighted heavily in the search engines. Heading tags will be recognized by browsers which don’t recognize style sheets. Heading tags are used by search engines to identify words which are more important than the rest of the page text. The theory is that headings will sum up the topic of the page, so they are counted as important keywords. Heading tags make it easy to make global changes to headings. Although you could theoretically achieve this by defining a new css class, it makes more sense and tends to be easier to define a style for heading tags.

Alt Tags: Alt Tags are used whenever you have an image in your site that is important to the overall message of your site. An Alt tag is a specially coded bit of text that tells the browser to show that text if the image is not displayed. Alt tags can also help people with visual impairment to navigate a site better. Some search engines read alt tags, but even without that, they are a good thing to do, because they help people to understand what your site is about if the image does not show up – this can happen more than you think! The Search Engines might not read the Image but will be in position to read the supported text in the Alt Tags. It will also help the users who surf the Web with text-only browsers which today is a very rare scenario. It will help internet users who are working on internet which is of a very slow bandwidth where the pictures are loading slow.


Anchor Tags: Use keywords in the links. The words that you embed the hyperlink into are called “anchor text”, and the search engines reputedly pay more attention to the words that are linked than the words that are not. If you use Image Links, use an Alt Tag in the image. Text ads are generally more powerful than banner ads in all ways. First, more people actually click on them more! Second, they have more power with search engines because you can generally use keywords more effectively. 

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