If you're trying to promote your Network Marketing business the biggest challenge is finding leads. And despite whatever your upline says, the friends and family route is really not effective. 

Trust me on this, I've been in a few MLM businesses before. :0) The real way to build your team is to obtain MLM leads that are targeted. You want people that not only just want to be entrepreneurs, you want them to be interested specifically in YOUR business! 

1. The first part of the process is in building your own website or blog. I know you'll be provided with a replicated site for your business, but stand out from the crowd with your own. You can add more information specific to you and have more flexibility. You can use free services like weebly.com or search Google for others, just don't have banners all over it, make it look professional. It doesn't have to be huge, but at least 3 pages covering you and the advantages of your opportunity.

2. While building your website, make sure you have a page where you've installed a capture form using an autoresponder. This way you'll have the names and emails of targeted visitors to your site that have agreed to receive information on your MLM opportunity. 

Write at least 10 messages to be sent to your subscriber list. Discuss your background and your experiences. Cover the benefits, training and support, not just compensation. People will need to feel comfortable with you and get the impression they'll be able to succeed with your network marketing business. 

3. Make sure that you keep in touch with your MLM subscriber list, at least once a week send a broadcast message through your autoresponder. You'll keep your members interested in your posts by offering tips, tricks, industry updates and news. Don't make every message a sales pitch or they'll lose interest and start unsubscribing. As long as you provide useful information, they'll most likely remain on your list. 

Also reach out to them and find out what they'd like to see covered in your posts. That helps give you ideas so you can create content they'll want to read. The longer they remain on your list the more likely they'll become part of your network marketing team!

Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant

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