Let's face it freedom and flexibility are two of the main things we love about internet marketing. In this world 'nobody's gonna tell me what to do or when to do it'. Its is about as far away from the workaday world of nine to five as you can get.

And for some of thus, therein lies the problem. Remember the old saying about providing strict discipline to your children and how when they become adults they will appreciate it and know that the reason is because you loved them? Of course the employer didn't provide structure because they loved us they did so because of the connection between efficiency and the bottom line.
Some are more fortunate than others and can translate the needed discipline and accountability to their internet marketing efforts without daddy or the boss looking over their shoulder, but I bet most leave that structure behind.

Do you set a regular schedule to promote your business? Do you set aside time to learn new techniques or let them rot away on your hard drive? Do you "go public" with your goals or keep them on the downlow, so no one will know when you are current or falling behind?
The net is full of new ebooks and software boasting thousands per day through an automated system where you are only called upon to click a few keys and you'll be rich shortly.

Perhaps your efforts have been missing some of the better elements of the regular work-a-day world, and if you can't provide them maybe you should associate with programs that do. I mean programs that require your regular evidence of your commitment, participation and accountability, programs that stay in contact, provide mentoring and coaching. In short, for true affiliate income success seek programs that will help you overcome your own inertia - not because they love you (daddy) or they own you (boss), but because you both have the same mutual goals.

Some additional elements of a good affiliate program are found on this blog:



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