"I wish I could be 18 again and start over, knowing what I know now"

I have heard that remark often, often from people that are unhappy about something.

Well, my life is not perfect either but I would not like to be 18 again. And I sure would not want to go back knowing what I know. LOL the only thing I would like to have back is my slim shape.

So why not?

  •  I would be a very strange unhappy teenager, my thoughts and interests would not match with others from this age group. I would feel very alone      
  • Everybody, especially if you?re older, has dreams and broken dreams. Everybody has taken decisions in his/her of which they think now, they were not the best decisions. So have I. Do I regret these decisions? NO! The shaped me to the person I am now. I would not want to be anyone else.

Sure my life was fun when I was 18 and I have many happy memories but I am feeling much happier in my skin now. I know where I stand and I love my life as it is know even if it is not perfect.

People need dreams, wishes and goals. It is the drive for personal growth and the key to fulfillment and self esteem.
You can't appreciate the sun if it never rains. So what can you do when it rains? You can either sob about it or get your umbrella and walk to the sun!

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