
Have You Ever Been Scammed Online?

Asked by Jennifer Grey, in Communications
Just curious if you have ever been scammed online, and if so how.

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Devasish Gupta Professional   Indiviual
Yes! I lost a few of my CryptoCurrency profits to some fake ICOs.
May 26th 2023 11:10   
Akbar A. Professional   teacher
No, never happened this
May 27th 2023 00:35   
Dr. Sidharth Sethi Innovator  Best Pediatric Nephrologist in India
No, never happened this
May 27th 2023 00:55   
henry m. Freshman  i am seo expert
You Think You've Been Scammed. Now What?
STOP CONTACT WITH THE SCAMMER. Hang up the phone. ...
May 27th 2023 01:48   
Ujah Sunday Freshman  Affiliate
Yes! I have been scammed online several times
May 27th 2023 13:45   
Dan G. Fox Advanced  Solutions to help you make money online
Yep, several times. One time for thousands of dollars. That was years ago though. Now my radar pops up and I can usually recognize the scammer or the scam. Sometimes if I have time, I will string them on and waste their time now so they think they have a sucker on the hook. Lol. That eats up their time and bandwidth in some cases so they have less opportunity to scam others.
May 27th 2023 18:42   
Arman Faisal Junior  Link builder
Yes many times in my business
May 28th 2023 09:15   
John O. Freshman  Affiliate Marketer
Yes, by a betting group
May 29th 2023 00:32   
UTL Solar Committed   India's Best Solar Company
Yes I have been scammed online several times
May 29th 2023 01:21   
Dieselgenerator Tech Advanced   ***
Yes many times in my business
May 29th 2023 01:25   
Nitin Saini Magnate I Pro   SEO Analyst & Freelancer
No, No, never happened this
May 29th 2023 01:57    Edited in May 29th 2023 01:58
Leonardo Jr Nollora Advanced  Blogger
Yes, by cryptocurrencies.
May 29th 2023 05:08   
Nandkishore Deopersad Magnate I  Consultant
YES Don't click on links, open any attachments or reply to requests. Scam messages may try and trick you into giving out your personal information. A scammer might ask for your bank account details, passwords or credit card numbers. They may also ask you to download files or software or allow remote access to your computer. BUT THIS BODY DID NOT GIVE THE INFORMATION.You Think You've Been Scammed. Now What?
STOP CONTACT WITH THE SCAMMER. Hang up the phone. ...
REPORT THE SCAM. Victims comply because they do not want to lose the time, effort or money that they had initially invested, even if it might not be the most rational thing to do. Similarity: Scammers try to make victims believe they have something in common to induce trust and reciprocity. PLEASE CHECK THIS BODY PROFILE
May 29th 2023 08:01   
Jack Bosma Senior  Social Media Marketing Consultant
May I invite you to Mighty Networks?
May 29th 2023 14:35   
Moses S. Freshman  web Designer
Yes many times in my business online
Jun 1st 2023 00:33   
Christopher E. Innovator  Consultant, Estate manager, Graphic Designer, Cont
Yes i have been scammed due to my quest for more money. But overtime it made me better in what i do which is achieving my goals
Jun 9th 2023 04:02   
Online Pharmacy Freshman  Online Pharmacy Store
No, never happened this
Nov 23rd 2023 23:51   
Jack Paul Innovator  Lightning Fast Internet Service Near Your Home.
Hey there! Great question, and yeah, unfortunately, I've had my fair share of online scam encounters. A couple of years back, I was on the hunt for a killer deal on a vintage guitar. I stumbled upon this seemingly reputable website with an unbelievable discount. Excitement got the best of me, and I hastily made the purchase.

Long story short, the guitar never arrived, and my emails to their customer service bounced back. Classic scam move, right? Frustrating as it was, I learned a valuable lesson about double-checking the legitimacy of online sellers. Since then, I've become a pro at sniffing out potential scams, always looking for reviews, verifying website security, and making sure customer support is responsive.

But you know what they say, every cloud has a silver lining. In my quest for a new guitar after the scam incident, I stumbled upon a local music shop that had the exact model I wanted. Turns out, supporting local businesses not only feels good but also ensures you're dealing with real people. So, while I've been burned before, it led me to discover some hidden gems in my own community. Always stay sharp online, but don't forget about the fantastic real-world options too!
Feb 12th 2024 03:48   
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