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What?s the entire buzz about GVO?

GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities) formerly Kiosk is a company
owned by Joel Therien who has a 12 year track of experience in the
network marketing and internet marketing industries.

GVO has rapidly created a big buzz in the internet marketing and
the MLM , Network marketing arenas due to the fact that it is the only
company online that has the knowhow and the expertise to join these two
very important business models in a once in a lifetime opportunity.

What makes GVO such an incredible business opportunity?

The answer to this question is twofold:

First of all when you get your hosting package through GVO you
will get several services like unlimited autoresponder system, complete
video marketing system with easy video producer and video hosting, full
audio and video conferencing system, downtime monitoring software, that
not only are included but that will also mean significant savings
compared to buying all these services separately.

Second, you will have the opportunity to participate in a MLM
compensation plan that is much more than a simple affiliate program and
makes it an entire business in itself, let me explain:

How do I get compensated?

To motivate you to promote the business, GVO pays you 50%
commission on the first month of every person that is directly sponsored
by you.

Then we have the 2 x 10 Binary Hybrid Matrix Plan that will pay you
5% per month of up to levels down making this a full matrix of 2,046
people and that alone will earn you $4,600.00 per month!

Wait! It gets even better because you will also get a 20% matching
bonus on your personal referrals down to 10 levels.

Once you have a downline of 14 people or more then you earn a new
profit position in the matrix that you can also make money off of.

What guarantees that people will stay?

If you have been online for some time and you are serious about
building an internet business, you know that in today?s market, these
are tools that you or any internet marketer can?t afford not to have and
that you will be using on a daily basis and that is the key that makes
the compensation plan a very successful one.

With this business model you will build an organization of avid and
constant users who will be using the services everyday to run their
businesses and therefore will be happy to keep paying their monthly fee!

How do I join?

At GVO we even give you the opportunity to try us and fall in love
with our services before you commit to a longer stay.

Just pay $1.00 today and this will give you full access to all the
services and features for a full 14 day trial period.

Hope your find everything you are looking for under one roof with
unsurpassed quality, see you inside!

Jesus Pina is an Internet and Network Marketer who owns and runs
many websites you can read more of his GVO business at