Men who loathe barrier protection might not have found the one right for them. The barrier market is rather sprawling, with different shapes, sizes, materials, textures and special features – there’s got to be something for everyone. Men should make an effort to learn about the many options available to them, and to consider what might turn the barrier from something they bemoan to something they either barely notice or even enjoy. Since protection is crucial for male organ health, a man might as well learn to make friends with the barrier.


While latex is by far the most common material used in barriers, it’s not the only one. Some men prefer one of the other materials, which are:

- Polyurethane: This material is thinner than latex, and it transfers heat better. This could result in greater pleasure for both partners. Polyurethane barriers are more expensive than standard latex ones, and the material is more brittle, making them slightly more prone to breaking. Using along with a back-up birth control method and plenty of lube is wise.

- Polyisoprene: This is a good material for people who are allergic to latex but like the feel and affordability of the material, as polyisoprene is similar in cost and feel.

- Lambskin: If the fact that they’re made out of lambs’ intestines doesn’t gross one out, these may be the most pleasurable-feeling barriers out there. However, they do not protect against partner-transmitted infections, as the material is too porous. They should only be used by people for whom the risk of infections is very low. 


The size of barrier right for a man depends on his manhood girth. Getting the size right is important, as barriers are prone to slipping or breaking if they’re too tight or too loose. A circumference under 4.7” generally calls for smaller sizes; a guy who measures over 5.1” around will likely have the best luck with larger barriers. Anything in between merits a regular size.

Guys who need smaller or larger barriers should be sure to carry their own; while this is a good idea in general, it’s important to remember that, even if a partner says he or she has barriers at home, they might not be what the particular guy needs. 


The standard barrier works well for most guys, but men with manhood girths that vary significantly from head to base may benefit from a special shape for comfort and security. Men with large heads or those whose heads are prone to get irritated by friction may prefer flared barriers, which offer extra room at the tip. Men with modestly-sized members might like the snug fit variety of barrier best. 

Special Features

- Lube: Many people like lubricated barriers. Not only are they more comfortable for the woman, but adequate lubrication is crucial to preventing barrier breakage.

- Seed-killer: Some couples like to double up on pregnancy prevention by using barriers with chemicals that kill male seed. It’s important to note that the chemicals can irritate the female and male organs, though.

- Textures: Ribs and studs and twists, oh my! Why not give these neat textures a try?

Barriers aren’t the only things that are important to put on the male organ. Guys should also be sure to use plenty of lube during their solo and partner playtime, and to keep the skin well-moisturized on a daily basis by applying a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) after showering. Shea butter and vitamin E form a moisturizing tag team, fending off dry skin and protecting the member from chafing. Keeping the skin healthy will help prevent odors, infections and loss of sensitivity – all worthy of a few moments of a man’s time a day.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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