Dermatologists and beauty experts say that foot care is essential in everyone’s daily routine. There are a number of ways in which you can take care of your feet, but, out of all of them, exfoliating socks provide you with an easy and painless way of having soft and healthy soles. The only thing you need to do is to take a bit of time off, put the socks on and relax for a few minutes. These socks have a peeling effect on your skin as they contain natural peeling ingredients. In the beginning, you might notice a peculiar aspect, as the dead skin comes off in small pieces. The skin renewal process may last a few weeks; therefore, once you start using these socks you must load yourself with patience. In case you want perfect summer feet and go to a public swimming pool, you should start using the exfoliating socks early enough to allow you skin the time to peel off. For best results, foot specialists advise that to repeat the procedure every couple of months.

Both women and men can use this procedure of Fusspeeling as long as they do not have open wounds on their feet or any irritated skin. Using moisturizing cream will also help to maintain the Fusspflege results and keep the skin of your feet pampered and soft. This is a simple home treatment meant to keep you away from the podiatrist’s office. Remember that keeping your feet clean during the summer months is essential to good foot care. It is the period of the year when feet often get dirty so you should wash them more frequently. Keeping the heel area scrubbed and moisturized is also a great way of keeping potentially painful heel cracks at bay. In case you do develop heel fissures, exfoliating socks are the best option once again. It is as if you received professional home treatment, and besides this you will prevent the cracks from becoming deeper and very painful.

Finally, trying an antiperspirant is not a bad idea at all. Sprays usually used for underarms work for the feet as well. A sweaty foot can slip inside the shoes, so using an antiperspirant gives you a helping hand. On the other hand, it brings freshness to the skin and it gets you rid of unpleasant odors. These odors are a problem that many people are faced with, since the feet produce more sweat than other parts of the body. This creates bacteria that generates the unpleasant odor. Changing your socks more often could really help you prevent bacterial build-up and thus keep odors at bay. There are many foot care products designed to keep your feet dry and odor-free, but remember that, most of all, they have to be healthy. Many aesthetic problems occur because of the lack of a proper foot care routine, don’t neglect your soles, because they are as important as the rest of your body. Using quality products such as exfoliating socks and moisturizing creams should become a part of your daily habit, so start by taking a few moments every evening to have a wash in warm water and take care of your feet.

To find more about Fusspeeling and Fusspflege, please visit these links!

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