Northstone Consulting Ltd. is a dedicated, professional file size compressor provider that can offer all interested clients the software they have been searching for. The online market is rich in alternatives and clients find it difficult to settle for a single option. The truth is that everyone is constantly searching for the best file compression software. There is a lot of comparing and searching involved, which could take much of your free time. A great suggestion in this regard would certainly have to be the free file archiver coming from Northstone Consulting Ltd. This company enjoys a great deal of popularity, collaborating with a large number of individuals. Here are some aspects that could be of a real interest to you regarding the company mentioned above.


First of all, it is worth mentioning that the software developed by this company is shareware, anyone being able to use it and test it for a period of 30 days. This is an important advantage in a world in which everything has a price, a world in which you can never be 100% sure of what you are in fact buying. If the software will prove to be professional and helpful, you are requested to pay a fee that will allow you to continue making use of it. This provider trusts the functionality and efficiency of the product for which reason it offers clients the chance to get to know the software before actually purchasing it. Secondly, the product brought forward is highly professional, offering clients the expected results. If you are in fact looking for a dedicated software, then this would be a real alternative for your needs. The Northstone Consulting Ltd. product, BulkZip, is compatible with Windows 8 and uses NanoZip, FreeArc and ZPAQ technology. Furthermore, clients ought to know that when deciding in favor of BulkZip, they no longer need to worry about security, as this is a safe choice. With the drag and drop system, BulkZip is not a challenge for users. This is a product that can be used by virtually anyone.


Founded in 2009, Northstone Consulting Ltd. is a company based in Stuttgart, Germany. Operating on the IT development field for quite some time now, this company has managed to build a positive reputation, being regarded as a trustworthy, dedicated partner to all interested clients. The product distributed is indeed a professional one, leading to successful results each time. However, if clients should encounter difficulties or have questions regarding the software, they should feel free to contact the staff. The team working here is prepared to provide each and every client with assistance, focusing on all demands and requests customers might be having. If you are in fact searching for the best zip compressor, do consider this option. You have nothing to lose, only to gain. Test the product, as you have 30 days to do so and see whether or not it fits your needs and profile. Northstone Consulting Ltd. is a dedicated company, constantly regarding the best interest of its clients, a true partner you could have on your side.


For further information about the file size compressor, please visit or use the contact details listed below:


Contact Name: Philipp Elhaus
Company name: Northstone Consulting Ltd.
Exact Address: PostBox 50 08 05, 70338 Stuttgart
Phone no: + 49 1523 6743 64 3
Email address:

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