Congratulations,you have met someone on an online dating site that you like and really think you could have something with. You have got through all of the firststages of the initial messages, the first few phone calls and now you are ready to meet for that all important first date. As always first impressions count, however in this case you have not actually met the person face to face so not only do you have to make sure to put your best foot forward, you have to decide where on Earth are you going to actually meet up with this person.

Generally when you are going out on a first date it will be with someone that you have met maybe at work, at a party or have been introduced to them by a friend, this is fine, you have already actually met the person face to face. In this instance you may have even had a long conversation and have been able to ascertain what this person is really like.

When you have met someone online however the above doesn't apply, you have never met the person face to face and although you may have spoken on the telephone at length, meeting someone in person is a whole different ball game. So, what do you do and where do you go on the first date?

As a rule for both parties, personal security should be the first thought in deciding where to meet. A public place is of course always best, somewhere where there are plenty of people around. Both parties should make their own way to the venue.

When I was online dating I came up with a strategy as to where to go and what to do when meeting someone face to face for the first time. I would always arrange to meet up in a cafe for a cup of coffee and it would always be during daylight hours rather than at night. This was a personal choice but it worked extremely well for me.The idea of meeting for coffee was because (and this may seem mean) either party could leave quite quickly if they felt that the date wasn't going well and the relationship was obviously not going to go anywhere.

If on the first date you go out to dinner you could be stuck with this person for a couple of hours and if you are not comfortable it will not be a pleasant couple of hours.The coffee date is also popular with the ladies for the same reason.

Going to a movie is also no good as you cannot talk and get to know each other. This initial face to face conversation is important to ascertain whether or not this is going to go anywhere.

Keep your first date very simple, very casual and then if you decide that you want it to carry on then go out for dinner or arrange for a second date and have a more formal one then.

Remember keep it simple, keep it casual and above all make sure that it is enjoyable. When you find the right person that first date will doubtless be special.

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