We all have a little good in us and when the content is valuable some
of the comments are not the kind of thing that contributes to the content.
It goes a long way when the professionalism is implemented in a comment
that has a lasting impression of the content of some of these articles that
are written at Apsense.

In so many ways when you are going to make a bold comment and you are
going into a network where you really have no interest in it would serve a
better purpose if you did not join a group and leave negativity if you have
something you think is better.

Here's what is going on a member here at our Apsence Excellence eventually
has the wrong impression. You join Groups in order to contribute to the groups.
Not to try to tear the group you have no interest in down. The individual has an
articles submitter that has a paid element to it and submits to the group that as
administrator had led to an indecision and that's to allow the fact that all of the
comments that were about how ineffective the free article blaster is but yet this
individual joined the group.

True and honest feelings have it as if you have a product that has this special
element to it why not start a group at Apsense that you can introduce the product
and get members to join your group instead of coming to a place and throwing
salt? This is not the way you do things and since the reality boils down to the way
you present yourself this is just the lack of knowledge of team work.

In so many ways the support you give the groups you join is all in the comments
you make in support of the groups you submit too. If there is one thing that has
an unethical practice is to submit to a group and come in negative. Sometimes it
pays to just delete the material but in order to allow this the intentions are to
give members here a chance to see how not to approach any group. The fact of
being supportive is the idea. The entire Apsense concept is to support and to
offer your own creativity.

If you have outstanding product you know is effective show them off to the Apsense community. Don't treat people like you know you don't want to be treated.

The offer to join the group is all about getting marketers to identify the article
marketing concept. Not to always sell something that comes down the line. You first
develop some kind of relationship before you start trying to sell anything. The killer
in the entire matter here is the fact the marketer that has these unpleasant remarks
is said to have 2 years of online marketing experience in article marketing.

There is no real big deal but this is just not the way to go about your Apsense Excellence
experience. Find the time to support don't hate congratulate. It's all about being more
supportive here at Apsense.

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