
#How to use #social #medias #videos

by Brahim A. APSense Adviser for Social Media!
In your marketing and sales strategies, video has therefore become an essential issue! To include video in your marketing strategy, we give you 8 tips to create an effective video on social networks!
Recommended Features
  • 1. #Get #straight to the point: your video should be brief and to the point
  • 2. #Adopt the #right #editorial line and the ideal duration for each social network
  • 3. #Educational #content to help your audience
  • 4. #Optimize your video for #SEO
  • 5. #Add #"calls to action" at the end of the video
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Review on #How to use #social #medias #videos

Videos have invaded our daily lives. On our smartphones and via social networks (Facebook, YouTube or Instagram), consumption continues to grow and the figures are staggering: by 2020 "video content will represent 84% of video traffic on the internet: the equivalent of 95 times what it was in 2005! " ( In your marketing and sales strategies, video has therefore become an essential issue! To include video in your marketing strategy, we give you 8 tips to create an effective video on social networks! 1. Get straight to the point: your video should be brief and to the point In order to grab the viewer's attention, make the video title impactful and make the viewer want to watch it. Its the first thing hell see that will determine his choice. Choose quality content, which goes to the essentials so as not to lose the attention of your internet user. On social networks short formats are generally the most popular (between 30 seconds and 1mn30), in fact the goal is that the internet user hangs very quickly and this happens from the first seconds of the video! If you don't get the attention, you're much less likely to generate engagement, which is: fill out a form share the video Subscribe to the newsletter request an appointment etc. 2. Adopt the right editorial line and the ideal duration for each social network For your video to be effective, you must also adapt your description and the duration of the videos according to each social network. Indeed, each social network has its characteristics and according to Hubspot (world leading software publisher of marketing automation): Facebook allows you to share entertaining content that can be shared easily. In general, the ideal duration is 1 minute. Twitter allows you to share and update your news. The ideal duration on Twitter is 45 seconds. On Instagram, you should favor the sharing of rather brief and personal videos, the average duration on Instagram is 30 seconds. On YouTube you will share slightly longer and more detailed videos (tutorial type, case study, etc.). A duration of less than 2 minutes is recommended. But long formats also work, it all depends on your market and your audience. LinkedIn: Ideally, in 1 minute, you can share your company's news, create new contacts and maintain or capture the attention of your professional relationships, thanks to social selling. Note that the editorial line of your content strategy must be consistent and related to your personas (ideal customers or prospects that you want to attract). No need to rehash on your YouTube channel that your business is the best or that your evening of 10 years went well. Your audience would like you to give priority to their problem and the ways to solve it. So talk about your customers more than your business, even if we know it, it's tempting. 3. Format: your video must be filmed vertically This may seem surprising, but the vertical video format is more and more popular today! The reason is simple: the videos are watched first on a smartphone and therefore vertically. There is no need to worry about the black bands that appear on the screen because on social networks this format adapts very well and effectively eliminates the bands. The square format can also be a good compromise (suitable for portrait format, as for landscape format). 4. Videos viewed without sound: don't forget the subtitles! We often forget the importance of subtitles in videos ... however a study proves that "85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound" (Digiday). Why ? For the simple reason that most of the time Internet users watch videos on their smartphone and that they are often in a public place. In order not to disturb others, the smartphone is therefore in silent mode. In addition on Facebook and Instagram for example, videos are launched automatically and without sound activated! So if you dont have any captions, its going to be a lot harder to grab the attention of your user, which actually reduces engagement. 5. Use humor and interact with people by asking questions Using humor in your videos can be very useful in generating interest from internet users and people sharing! It all depends on your editorial strategy, the market, the products or services offered, and of course your personas (if you are in the pharmaceutical industry, or any other sensitive sector, this could backfire on you). Using humor your sympathy capital can also increase as you will create an emotional bond between the

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About Brahim A. Tycoon II Premium    APSense Adviser for Social Media!

9,180 connections, 887 recommendations, 51,384 honor points.
Joined APSense since, November 1st, 2015, From MRIRT, Morocco.

Created on Mar 15th 2020 07:29. Viewed 1,349 times.


Ron H. Junior  Rank your site with the power of Social
Interesting article! Great information
Mar 15th 2020 15:39   
Brahim A. Tycoon II Premium   APSense Adviser for Social Media!
Mar 15th 2020 16:14   
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