Indiana Water Filters/Feed Your Health - Jun 14th 2024 01:19

About our Business

The dream of working for yourself is possible with the right tools and the right business. The real trick is to find your passion.        

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Indiana Water Filters has a passion to make sure every household has a home water filtration system. The things that contaminate our water supply increase all the time. From drugs to pesticides, the more contaminants we can remove from our own drinking water, the better we will be.

Indiana Water Filters

Not only is the water we drink vital to our survival, but so is the food we eat. Processed food, fast food, artificial ingredients and GMOs are making everyone ill. To keep our bodies healthy, our bodies need the right nutrients. When we feed our natural bodies unnatural food like substances, we become unhealthy.

Purium Healthy Products is committed to teaching us how to eat healthy and give our bodies the complete nutrition it needs to stay healthy and fight illness, disease and even the effects of aging.

Purium Making Healthy Cool
This is my chosen passion. I hope to spread the word about being healthy and enjoying life to its fullest. Drink safe water and eat healthful foods. Indiana Water Filters and Feed Your Health. Find the perfect combination of health and wealth.

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It's more then five years now and Katrina is still growing and showing no sign of wearing out. Her experience, passion and skills in the internet sphere are what I aspire to gain. She is a real mentor to me.
 - malok May 21st, 2019

Katrina has been on ApSense since I joined years ago. She is very productive in writing articles sharing information and helping newbies both in the information and insights she passes on and in giving them the courage to start a blog. Janet Legere always encourages her downline to write and article right after her weekly meeting with the title :" What Learned Today". Karina not only shares but I am sure some of her articles encourage others to write what they have learned about the subject.
 - sueandshawnkelly November 20th, 2013

She well able to teach other how to earn income over time. While other online marketers are banging their heads against the wall, Katrina is leading your team and those who look to her to success
 - nutritionalhealth September 26th, 2013

Katrina is a Wordpress and design web page pro! Not only is Katrina Knowledgeable in many areas she is also a great person you can talk to about anything.
 - turnrich June 13th, 2012

Katrina is a friend is active on APSense,professional.honest,trustful and is dependable believe in getting the job done and helping others,please keep doing what you doing online or offline. marvinwhiteheadjr
 - marvin60 April 12th, 2012


Katrina O.
Howe, United States
A risk taker who is willing to take ideas outside the box and invest and expand on those unnoticed opportunities. View Profile

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