The health, comfort and emotional security of elderly citizen is a somewhat sensitive topic, and it is not uncommon for families to go through a great deal of stress when an older member of their family can no longer care for themselves and needs constant assistance. There are two main options that families usually think of when finding themselves in situation: first, there is the traditional option of sending the elderly member into a nursing them on a permanent basis, where they will be cared for by trained personnel and supervised constantly. Secondly, some families are willing to provide their family members with emotional support, so they continue to live with them instead of sending them off to a foreign establishment. These two options are the extremes and sometimes neither of them is suitable for your needs. The concept of assisted living tries to combine the benefits of caregiving with a warm and supportive environment, emerging as a much awaited alternative to nursing homes or living with elderly family members. Assisted living is a flexible option, allowing people to live in a caregiver’s home for a period of time established in advance. The entire system is based on volunteering, so the available homes belong to people who have a spare room in their houses and are willing to look after someone in need of caring.

There are many situations when assisted living is a viable alternative to a nursing home. For example, if you normally live with a parent, grandparent or other older relatives, but you will be away for some time and you don’t want to leave them on their own, you can talk to a caregiver. Your relative will have a safe home for as long as you are away, and, of course, you will meet the caregiver in advance, inspect the property and see if it’s what you want. Unlike nursing homes, which usually accept people on an undetermined basis, caregivers can host elders even for just a few days. As an added benefit, they offer a friendly, welcoming environment that feels like a real home, which means that they can be of real help for elders who need emotional support after the loss of their spouse or after a period of depression.

Not everyone who is admitted into a skilled nursing facility need medical attention, which is why many people feel like they are wasting too much money on unnecessary services. You can contact a private caregiver if you do not require advanced medical attention and you only want someone who can help your relative get dressed, take medicine, cook meals or simply keep them company. However, if someone you know has been through a surgical procedure, needs advanced therapy or has a serious medical condition and needs specialized assistance, then a convalescent home is a better option, because the staff working there has a medical degree and knows how to intervene in case of seizures, strokes or other such complications. Therefore, your choice should depend on the period for which assistance is required and the level of medical skills required.

For an extensive comparison between assisted living and a conventional nursing home, please visit these links!

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