Conventional vacuums are utilized in homes and offices all over the world and they are one of the most common ways of getting rid of dirt, so common in fact that they have become synonymous to cleaning. Yet homes are not as clean as they are supposed to be after traditional cleaning. A recent study conducted at Yale University shows that a staggering 19 of 20 residential spaces is more polluted than outside air and this number is determined by how vacuums work. Despite their huge popularity, new evidence comes to show that they do more harm than good and, in the long run, they can impact your health in a negative manner. The central vacuum system emerges as a healthier, more effective and more reliable option due to the way it aspires the smallest dust particles and removes them completely from the air.

People who suffer from asthma and allergies are the first ones who notice the ineffective and unhealthy technology behind conventional machines. These portable machines suck up dirt, but then they recycle small dust particles back into the air. These small particles are called dust mites and they can linger in the air for more than one hour after you finish cleaning. They can also get into the carpet or upholstery furniture, exposing everyone to indoor pollution. These particles are not visible to the naked eye, but, when inhaled constantly, they can lead to asthma and allergies, especially in children. Those who are already affected by such problems will experience a worsening of their symptoms. The products sold in central vacuum stores can fix this. First of all, their truly provide deep cleaning, so they remove more impurities than conventional solutions. Secondly, they don’t recycle dust mites back into their air or into the carpet. They are sent directly outside, so that the air is fresher and cleaner. This is not just a theory: a thorough allergenic investigation conducted at the University of California at Davis showed a significant improvement in the allergy symptoms of 25 individuals. Not only dust mites are successfully removed: pollen, pet hairs and other allergens also disappear, leading to a healthier environment for the entire family. HEPA filtered vacuum cleaners are another alternative to conventional vacuums, but they are very expensive and require frequent filter replacement. Central vacsare used almost the same as portal ones, but, impurities are transported through tubes to a remote location and then directly outside. No tubes or filters are required and the system has minimal maintenance.

Although portable vacs are the mainstream choice for house cleaning, some countries are trying to discourage their use and switch to central systems. Sweden is one of pioneers in this field; their Government is trying to have a central system installed in each home, because, in the long run, this machine costs much less than the treatment for asthma and respiratory disorders. Initially made popular by real estate agents, because it increased home value, the central vacuum is now recommended by doctors as well.

To order a central vacuum system and find central vacuum stores, please click on these links!

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